BECOME A BETTER INVESTORDiscover new long-term investment opportunities with Simply Wall St. Swipe through the market and add stocks you like to your Portfolio. Detailed fundamental analysis on over 72,000 listed companies presented as an easy to understand infographic.Covering 27 markets including North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.đ° Featured in: Techcrunch, CNBC, Forbes, Sky News, TechCrunch and Financial ReviewThe Simply Wall Street app is a free, simplified version of the Simply Wall St web platform used by more than 1,000,000 investors.HOW DOES IT WORK?To help you find good long-term investments we provide you with a detailed fundamental analysis on every listed company presented as an easy to understand infographic.âș Select what kind of stocks you are interested in, such as:â· Undervaluedâ· High Growthâ· Bank account beatersâ· Top dividend payersâș Swipe through the results to find companies that interest you and add them to your Portfolioâș Dive in deeper and conduct detailed due diligence on any company in the US, Canada, UK, Australia or New Zealand using our infographic reportâș We analyse and visualize your Portfolio to help you understand where the strengths and weaknesses areâș Link your Portfolio to popular brokers such as E*Trade, Fidelity, Scottrade and Vanguardđ Used by students at: MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, NYU Stern, BerkeleyWHAT IS INCLUDED IN OUR COMPANY ANALYSIS:The analysis uses institutional quality data from Standard and Poorâs Capital IQ and performs 30 checks across 5 different areas. Over 1,000 data points are used to analyse each company and these are updated every 6 hours.Each company also has a Snowflake graph which is a summary of the infographic and gives you a quick snapshot of companyâs investment profile.âș ValueDiscounted Cash Flow calculation (DCF), PE ratio, PB ratio, PEG Ratio.âș Future PerformanceAnalyst estimates of Future Earnings Growth, Revenue, Cash flow, Earnings and Return on Equity.âș Past PerformanceEPS growth, Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) and Return on Assets (ROA) over the past 5 financial years.âș Financial HealthAnalysis of a companys Balance Sheet, in particular the amount of debt held by the company. (Note: we use a different financial health analysis for Banks and Financial Institutions.)âș Income (dividends)Dividend payment in terms of its absolute level and against other dividend payers. In addition, the app analyses the volatility and sustainability of the dividend.âș ManagementRecent "insider tradingâ ie The Board and Management share purchases, consistency of CEO compensation with company performance and management tenure.đ Markets covered đNORTH AMERICA United States(NYSE, NASDAQ & OTC) Canada (TSX, TSXV & CSE)OCEANIA Australia (ASX) New Zealand (NZX)ASIA Hong Kong (HKG) Singapore (SGX) India (NSE & BSE)EUROPE Austria (VIE) Belgium (EBR) Switzerland (SWX & BRSE) Germany (FRA, ETR, BST & MUN) Denmark (CPH) Spain (BME) Finland (HLSE) France (EPA) Greece (ATSE) Hungary (BUSE) Ireland (ISE) Italy (BIT) Luxembourg (BDL) Netherlands (AMS) Norway (OB) Poland (WSE) Portugal (ELI) Russia (MCX) Sweden (STO)Bug fixes and performance improvement