46th SIMASP – Moacyr Alvaro International Symposium | March 20 to 23, 2024 | Frei Caneca Convention Center | Sao Paulo-SPSIMASP - Moacyr Alvaro International Symposium is one of the most important scientific platforms for the development and study of Brazilian ophthalmology and has established itself as one of the most sought after events by both ophthalmologists and industries, which present their launches for the coming year.With traditional scientific support from the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at Escola Paulista de Medicina and an expected audience of more than 2,000 participants, SIMASP 2024 brings a scientific schedule based on the presentation of technological innovations, special courses and global trends through major names in national and international ophthalmology.Follow everything about SIMASP 2024 on the app: commissions, registrations, courses, submission of scientific papers, speakers, scientific programming, sponsors and exhibitors, event location, accommodation, tips about São Paulo and much more!Access the full event schedule and use the filters to find the topics that interest you. Customize your agenda with the scientific sessions you would like to attend during the event. Authorize and receive notifications with important information via push. Interact with speakers by sending questions and comments during sessions and actively participate through polls and surveys.Complete and integrated, for you to use before, during and after the event.Everything about SIMASP 2024 on your device, with quick and easy access!