With WBC Counter you can count 8 or 12 types of leukocytes just pressing to corresponding buttons.Each button press can be accompanied by sound and / or the vibration. In app settings these effects can be disabled.If you pressed wrong button during counting, the app allows you to undo the previous entry.Also in app settings you can define your desired target number of cells. When the threshold is reached, you will be notified by sound and / or a vibration, as well as an informational message.The results of counting can be viewed in a separate window. Also you can copy the results to another application.Then you can reset the previous data and begin a new counting.WBC Counter is free. Its support and development is provided through advertisements.* Now you can select a counter with 8 or 12 buttons. Just swipe the counter left or right to switch between them.* If the apps work was suddenly interrupted during the cells counting (for example because of battery discharge) your data will not be lost - the app will restore them at the next start.