Kakaobus provides you with real-time bus and bus stop information of 57 Korean cities.* Real-time bus arrival information* Bus route information with real-time bus location* Departure Alarm Set up the departure alarm to receive notifications five minutes, three minutes or one minute before the bus arrives at your stop.* Arrival Alarm Set an alarm to make sure you get off at the right stop.* Bus Arrival Notification You can get notifications for buses at a certain day and time without having to set them manually every time.* Suggestions based on your current location : Nearby Stops, Night Buses Nearby, Direct Bus to Home, Kakao TaxiContinued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.[Permission Information]▸ Optional permissionsLocation : To search nearby bus stops and provide arrival alarms using the current location infomation.Notification : To receive alarms with sounds and badges.