Scoutsâ UK Events App will help to you make the most of Scout events, from International events such as UK Contingent gatherings, or national events such as Windsor or Summit. If youâre a World Scout Jamboree participant, leader, or International Service Team volunteer, youâll need to download the Scouts UK Events App. Once youâve done this, youâll be able to log in and view your info on the event. Here, you find the information youâll need while attending the jamboree trip to manage your UK Contingent account, and get in touch with the UK Contingent team.Roverway 2024: If youâre a Roverway participant or volunteer, youâll need the Scouts UK Events App to view your content for this event.Moot 2025: If youâre a Moot participant or volunteer, youâll need the Scouts UK Events App to view your content for this eventScouts UK Summit: If youâre attending Summit, the Scoutsâ National Conference, this app will give you everything you need, from agenda timings to workshops, and locations.