Sleep Log 2.0 is a easy to use baby tracker based on the Department of Developmental Pediatrics of the Childrens Hospital Zurich, Switzerland.New features in the latest update include:- Automatic PDF creation with the latest entries or selection of your own PDF start date.- Optimized handling of manual entries such as direct edit functions, adding personal or fast comments, e.g. for breastfeeding left/right, etc.- Entries with comments are now marked directly in the PDF overview.- All comment are also exported into a separate PDF in chronological order and with all details needed.Sleep Log 2.0 tracks sleep duration, meals, crying duration and bedtime with a push of a button. Your child’s habits are then pinpointed in a clean and easy to read PDF, that can be printed or shared with your pediatrician or caregiver through mail or chat apps. In addition, it shows daily stats for sleeping and crying durations, and meals.The app works offline or in flight mode as well, as all your childs data is safely stored locally on your device only.