年賀状作成アプリ『つむぐ年賀2023』。世界にひとつだけのオリジナル年賀状を作成しよう!かんたん操作&高機能を両立させ、デザイン編集が思いのまま、白紙からオリジナル年賀状作りも無料で楽しめます。年賀状作成に役立つ新機能&新サービス追加!どれをとっても間違いなしの年賀状アプリの決定版です。■年賀状のこだわりのデザインテンプレートを大量収録!すべてのスタンプ素材は、位置・大きさ・色・追加・削除などの編集が自由自在です。■年賀状の完成データはご自身の端末内に保存できるため、自宅のプリンターで印刷したい人にもおすすめ。印刷だけではなく、年賀状をSNS等の画像投稿に利用することもできます。■注文印刷は基本料金なし!1枚から注文可能!写真の再現性と発色性に優れた、最高品質の銀塩プリントでお届けします。■写真を入れない「イラストタイプ」なら安くてキレイ、手軽におしゃれな年賀状を作れます。■喪中はがき、寒中見舞い用のはがきデザインも豊富にご用意しています。■コンビニ印刷に対応、全国のセブン - イレブンのマルチコピー機で年賀状が印刷ができます。■宛名印刷サービス無料!年賀状のご注文と同時に宛名を印刷できます。■ゆうパケットなら30枚以上の年賀状のご注文で送料無料!ゆうパックも100枚以上の年賀状のご注文で無料になります。■通常出荷は5営業日、超特急なら2営業日で出荷!年賀状・年賀はがきの混雑時期も、実績のある工場から安定してお届けいたします。■年賀状の注文状況はマイページでいつでも確認可能!キャンセルや追加もすぐに対応いたします。■充実のサポート体制とおトクで安心なオプションサービスを完備!初めて年賀状をご注文する場合でも安心です。【こだわりデザインテンプレート&スタンプを大量収録】多彩なデザインテンプレート&スタンプ素材を豊富にご用意。パーツはそれぞれ調整や編集もできるクリエイティブな機能を搭載、お客様のオリジナルデザインをスマホで簡単に作成することも可能です。お気に入りのパーツを選び、写真やメッセージを入れるだけのシンプル操作で、あっという間にプロがデザインしたようなおしゃれな年賀状が完成します。おしゃれな写真年賀状は『つむぐ年賀2023』にお任せ!【年賀状の完成データの個人利用は無料】年賀状の完成データは、ご自身の端末内に高解像度の写真データとして保存できます。(※)保存した年賀状のデータは、プリンター各社のスマホ対応プリントアプリで印刷が可能。お手元の端末だけで年賀状を自作できます。(印刷方法はプリンター各社の対応アプリの説明をご参照ください)また、作成した年賀状データをSNS等の画像投稿に利用することもできます。※年賀状の写真データ保存時にはつむぐ年賀でアカウント作成が必要になります。【圧倒的な色表現!作った作品は高品質プリントでお手元に】デザインタイプによって2種類の用紙をご用意。いずれも基本料金なしで、1枚からご注文可能です!・写真タイプ世界のコダックが誇る最高品質の銀塩プリント仕上げ。写真の艶やかさも表現した半光沢により、高い表現力と耐候性の両方を満たす自慢の仕上がりです。写真付きの年賀状を作成した方はこちらの印刷方法をお選びください。・イラストタイププロ仕様のレーザープリンターを使用し、はがきに直接印刷します。家庭用プリンターにはない鮮やかな発色、安くてキレイな仕上がりです。【喪中はがき・寒中見舞い用デザインもご用意】スタンダードタイプからおしゃれなものまで、喪中はがき用デザインも豊富に。また、年が明けてからのご挨拶にもご利用いただける、寒中見舞いはがき用デザインも取り揃えています。年賀状だけではなく、喪中ハガキや寒中見舞いはがきもデザインテンプレートからかんたんに作成いただけます。【年賀状はコンビニ印刷で今すぐお手元に】スマホの『つむぐ年賀2023』アプリで作成した年賀状を、全国のセブン - イレブンのマルチコピー機で印刷できます。年賀状の印刷方法は予約番号を入力するだけと、とってもかんたん。出し忘れの年賀状があったり、忙しくて時間がないときでもコンビニ印刷なら安心です。【便利な宛名印刷サービスが無料】宛名印刷は無料。宛名の書き損じや印字ずれを気にすることもなく、安心してご利用いただけます。またパソコンを使って、宛名リストのCSV登録も可能です。【『つむぐ年賀』はこんな方におすすめ!】■オリジナルのおしゃれな年賀状を作成したい方・2022年は人とは違う、おしゃれな写真入り年賀状や寒中見舞いはがきを作成したい・年始の挨拶を兼ねて結婚報告も兼ねた年賀状を作成したい・個性的な出産報告年賀状を送りたい・出産を機に引越もしたので、どちらも報告できる年賀状2022を作成したい・送る人に合わせて、写真入りと写真なしの年賀状を作成したい・スマホの写真で気軽に無料で2023年のオリジナル写真年賀状を作成したい・今年(2023年)の年賀状は、去年(2022年)と違いおしゃれな写真付きの年賀はがきにしたい・自分で描いた絵や撮影した写真を使用して無料で今年(2023年)の年賀はがきを作成したい・インスタに投稿した写真を使って、かわいいポストカードや年賀状はがきを作成したい・家族写真で年賀状を作成したいので、テンプレートが沢山ある年賀状アプリを探している・2021年の報告も兼ねておしゃれにデザインした写真年賀状をネット印刷で注文したい・人とは違ったオリジナルデザインの写真付き年賀はがきが作成したいので、テンプレートがおしゃれなはがき作成アプリを使いたい・子どものスマホ写真を使い、おしゃれなデザインの年賀状を作成したい・無料年賀状アプリの中でも、スマホで簡単にデザイン作成から宛名印刷までできるアプリを使いたい・年賀状の写真印刷や画像印刷を高画質で作成したい■年賀状のデザイン作成・宛名印刷を簡単に行いたい方・ネットプリントだと年賀はがきが間に合わないので、自宅のプリンターで年賀はがきを印刷したい・宛名印刷や宛名管理は大変なので、年賀状アプリで宛名管理を簡単に行いたい・2023年の写真年賀状を送りたいが、宛名登録から印刷までお願いできるアプリサービスを探している・出し忘れの年賀状があったので、数枚だけ近くのコンビニですぐに印刷できるアプリを探している・年明けに受け取った年賀はがきのお返しが必要になったので、すぐに年賀はがきを追加で用意したい・無料で2023年の年賀状が作成できて、宛名印刷もお願いできるアプリを探している・自宅に年賀状を印刷できるプリンターがないのでネット印刷を頼みたい・宛名ラベル用の印刷方法がわからないため、宛名書きも頼める宛名印刷アプリを探している・年賀状印刷が大変なので、デザインの作成だけではなく印刷もできる年賀状アプリで注文したい・スマホで作成した年賀状のデザインを、手軽にコンビニで印刷したい・年賀状作成や印刷をスマホでなるべく楽に行いたい・出産報告を兼ねた年賀状作成をしたいので、写真はがきが簡単に作成できる年賀状アプリを探している・宛名印刷が簡単にできるアプリで年賀状を無料で作成したい・年賀状を数枚しか出さないので、スマホで簡単に作成してコンビニで印刷がしたい・去年(2022年)まではコンビニではがきプリントをしていたので、今年(2023年)はスマホだけで年賀状を作れるアプリに依頼したい・毎年宛名書きが大変なので、2023年は宛名書きも印刷も頼みたい・宛名書きまで簡単にできる年賀状アプリを使いたい・年賀状のテンプレートが豊富な年賀状アプリがほしい■喪中ハガキを作成したい方・お店の喪中ハガキではなく、完全オリジナルの喪中ハガキを作成したい・喪中など、年賀状でお返事を出せない場合や年明けからのお返事に、寒中見舞いはがきや余寒見舞いはがきを送りたい・急遽、喪中ハガキの作成が必要になったので喪中ハガキも作れる年賀はがきアプリがほしい・市販の喪中ハガキは種類が少ないので、デザイン数の多いハガキ作成アプリを使って喪中はがきを作成したい・テンプレートからかんたんに喪中ハガキ、寒中見舞いはがきを作成したい■結婚報告、出産報告、引っ越し報告を兼ねて年賀状を作成したい方・デザインにこだわった出産報告の年賀はがきを作成したい・おしゃれなテンプレートから、オリジナルな結婚報告はがきを作成したい・結婚報告の年賀はがきは、写真入りで高画質で印刷できるアプリに頼みたい・テンプレートからかんたんに子供の写真入りの年賀はがきを作成したいNew Years card creation application "Tsumugu New Year 2023". Create only one original New Years card in the world!With both easy operation and high functionality, you can enjoy design editing as you like and create original New Years cards from blank paper for free.New functions and new services added to help create New Years cards! It is the definitive version of the New Years card app that is sure to be anything.■ A large number of special design templates for New Years cards are included! All stamp materials can be freely edited such as position, size, color, addition and deletion.■ Since the completed data of the New Years card can be saved in your own terminal, it is also recommended for people who want to print it with their home printer. In addition to printing, you can also use New Years cards for posting images on SNS etc.■ There is no basic charge for order printing! You can order from one! We deliver the highest quality silver halide prints with excellent photo reproducibility and color development.■ If you use the "illustration type" that does not include a photo, you can easily make a fashionable New Years card that is cheap and beautiful.■ We also offer a wide variety of postcard designs for mourning postcards and winter greetings.■ Supports convenience store printing, and can print New Years cards with Seven-Eleven multi-copy machines nationwide.■ Free address printing service! You can print the address at the same time you order the New Years card.■ Free shipping on orders of 30 or more New Years cards for Yu Packet! Yu-Pack is also free for orders of 100 or more New Years cards.■ Normal shipping takes 5 business days, and bullet train ships in 2 business days! Even during the busy season of New Years cards and New Years cards, we will stably deliver from a factory with a proven track record.■ You can check the order status of New Years cards at any time on My Page! Cancellations and additions will be dealt with immediately.■ Equipped with a full support system and advantageous and reliable optional services! It is safe even if you are ordering a New Years card for the first time.[Large amount of discerning design templates & stamps]A wide variety of design templates and stamp materials are available.Each part is equipped with a creative function that can be adjusted and edited, and it is also possible to easily create your own original design with your smartphone.Simply select your favorite parts and insert a photo or message to complete a stylish New Years card that looks like a professional design in no time.Leave the fashionable photo New Years cards to "Tsumugu New Year 2023"![Personal use of completed data of New Years cards is free]The completed data of the New Years card can be saved as high-resolution photo data in your terminal. (*)The saved New Years card data can be printed with the smartphone-compatible print application of each printer company.You can make your own New Years card with just your device. (For the printing method, refer to the explanation of the compatible application of each printer company)You can also use the created New Years card data for posting images on SNS etc.* When saving the photo data of the New Years card, you need to create an account with Tsumugu New Years card.[Overwhelming color expression! The work you made is a high-quality print at hand]Two types of paper are available depending on the design type. You can order from one piece without any basic charge!・ Photo typeThe highest quality silver halide print finish that Kodak is proud of in the world.With the semi-gloss that also expresses the luster of the photograph, it is a proud finish that satisfies both high expressiveness and weather resistance.If you have created a New Years card with a photo, please select this printing method.・ Illustration typePrint directly on postcards using a professional laser printer.Vivid colors not found in home printers, and a cheap and beautiful finish.[Postcards for mourning and designs for visiting in the cold are also available]From standard types to fashionable ones, there are plenty of designs for postcards during mourning.We also have designs for winter greeting postcards that can be used for greetings after the new year.Not only New Years cards, but also postcards for mourning and greeting cards for cold weather can be easily created from the design template.[New Years cards can be printed at convenience stores right now]You can print New Years cards created with the "Tsumugu New Year 2023" app on your smartphone on Seven-Eleven multi-copiers nationwide.The printing method for New Years cards is very easy, just enter the reservation number.Even if you have a New Years card that you have forgotten to put out, or if you are busy and have no time, you can rest assured that you can print at a convenience store.[Convenient address printing service is free]Address printing is free. You can use it with confidence without worrying about writing errors or misprinting of the address.You can also use a personal computer to register the address list in CSV format.["Tsumugu New Year" is recommended for people like this! ]■ Those who want to create an original fashionable New Years card・ In 2022, I want to create fashionable New Years cards with photos and postcards for winter greetings that are different from people.・ I want to create a New Years card that doubles as a New Years greeting and also as a marriage report.・ I want to send a unique birth report New Years card・ Since I moved after giving birth, I would like to create a New Years card 2022 that can report both.・ I want to create a New Years card with and without a photo according to the sender.・ I want to create an original photo New Years card for 2023 for free with smartphone photos.・ I want to make this years (2023) New Years card a new years postcard with stylish photos, unlike last year (2022).・ I want to create a New Years postcard for this year (2023) for free using the pictures I drew and the pictures I took.・ I want to create cute postcards and New Years card postcards using the photos posted on Instagram.・ I want to create a New Years card with a family photo, so Im looking for a New Years card app with many templates.・ I would like to order a fashionably designed photo New Years card that also serves as a report for 2021 via online printing.・ I want to create a New Years postcard with a photo of an original design that is different from people, so I want to use a postcard creation app with a stylish template.・ I want to create a stylishly designed New Years card using a childs smartphone photo.・ Among the free New Years card apps, I want to use an app that allows you to easily create a design and print an address on your smartphone.・ I want to create high-quality photo prints and image prints for New Years cards.■ Those who want to easily design and print New Years cards・ I want to print New Years postcards with my home printer because New Years postcards cannot be printed in time with net print.・ Since address printing and address management are difficult, I want to easily manage addresses with the New Years card application.・ I want to send a photo New Years card for 2023, but I am looking for an application service that can request from address registration to printing.・ I had a New Years card that I forgot to put out, so Im looking for an app that can be printed immediately at a nearby convenience store.・ I need to return the New Years postcard I received at the beginning of the year, so I would like to prepare an additional New Years postcard immediately.・ Im looking for an app that can create a New Years card for 2023 for free and also ask for address printing.・ I dont have a printer that can print New Years cards at home, so I would like to ask for online printing.・ I dont know how to print for address labels, so Im looking for an address printing app that can also ask for address writing.・ Since printing New Years cards is difficult, I would like to order with the New Years card app that can print as well as create designs.・ I want to easily print the design of a New Years card created on my smartphone at a convenience store.・ I want to make New Years cards and printing as easy as possible with my smartphone.・ I want to create a New Years card that also serves as a birth report, so Im looking for a New Years card app that makes it easy to create photo postcards.・ I want to create a New Years card for free with an app that makes it easy to print addresses.・ Since only a few New Years cards are issued, I want to easily create them on my smartphone and print them at a convenience store.・ Until last year (2022), I used to print postcards at convenience stores, so this year (2023) I would like to ask an app that can create New Years cards with just a smartphone.・ Since addressing is difficult every year, I would like to ask for addressing and printing in 2023.・ I want to use a New Years card app that makes it easy to write an address.・ I want a New Years card app with abundant New Years card templates■ Those who want to create postcards in mourning・ I want to create a completely original mourning postcard instead of a store mourning postcard.・ If you cannot reply to the New Years card, such as during mourning, or if you want to reply from the beginning of the year, I would like to send a postcard for the cold weather or a postcard for the cold weather.・ I suddenly needed to create a postcard in mourning, so I want a New Years postcard app that can also make postcards in mourning.・ Since there are few types of postcards on the market, I would like to create a postcard in mourning using a postcard creation app with many designs.・ I want to easily create postcards for mourning and greetings during the cold from templates.■ Those who want to create a New Years card that also serves as a marriage report, childbirth report, and moving report・ I want to create a New Years postcard with a birth report that is particular about design.・ I want to create an original marriage report postcard from a fashionable template.・ For New Years postcards for marriage reports, I would like to ask for an app that can print high-quality images with photos.・ I want to easily create a New Years postcard with a picture of a child from a template.