Check your actual salary and deduction information using the salary calculator.main function● After entering annual salary, salary, tax exemption, number of dependents, and number of children under 20 years of age, you can calculate monthly actual income and deduction information.● You can calculate the annual salary (salary) increase rate after entering the existing annual salary (salary) and increased annual salary (salary).● You can conveniently calculate monthly actual income and deduction information by retrieving information about annual salary, monthly salary, tax exemption, number of dependents, and number of children under 20 years of age saved in the records.How to use1. Please enter your desired or current annual salary (salary).2. Please enter the non-taxable amount. (Meals, a representative non-taxable item, are exempt from taxation up to 200,000 won per month. Other non-taxable items can be confirmed through the salary statement.)3. Please enter the number of dependents and number of children under 20 years of age.4. Click Calculate to check monthly (yearly) actual salary and deduction information.* The four major insurance premiums are based on the amount borne by the employee, and income tax is based on the National Tax Services Simple Tax Table on Earned Income (February 2023) and differs from the actual actual income.