The integrated safety information disclosure system (Safety Moa Diagnosis Moa) mobile app provides the Ministry of the Interior and Safety by integrating and linking individual safety inspection information managed by each ministry to ensure the safety and property rights of citizens.The information provided in this system includes information on various building standards such as school facilities, daycare centers, play facilities, sports facilities, and food sales facilities, as well as infrastructure such as electricity, gas, passenger ships, bridges, and dams.Each facility is linked by address information, and multiple information can be integrated and searched through a single building or facility search.After first opening in January 2021, we have linked about 30 pieces of safety information through further advancement, and we plan to provide more diverse and diverse information by conducting additional linkages in the future.For inquiries related to this, please contact the call center (044-863-0825) operated by the Disaster and Safety Inspection Department of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security.