The application is a Russian language testing tool that contains a huge number of tests. It is suitable for preparing for the Unified State Examination, as well as for preparing for the Russian language Olympiad.Test topics:The test contains all sections of Russian grammar. The test contains some questions, the answers of which are exceptions.Number of tests:Over 600 tests.Application settings:The user can select the number of tests to pass the test. The modes are switched through the settings. By default, the number of tests is 20, but you can choose 10 or 30. The user can also disable sound signals in the application settings.How to understand the answer is correct or not?When solving a test, if the user selects an incorrect answer, then the correct answer is highlighted in green, the wrong (chosen) answer is highlighted in red. When the user makes a mistake, he has the opportunity to see the correct answer. If the user has chosen the correct answer, then it is highlighted in green and a quick transition to another test is carried out. All these actions are also accompanied by a sound signal. At the end of the test, the test results are displayed.Age restrictions:The test is for everyone. It can be solved by anyone who knows the basic level of Russian grammar.References:Russian language. Tests for the exam / O.E. Gaibaryan, A.V. Kuznetsova.Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2012-221p.Getting ready for the Russian language Olympiad. 5-11 grades / M.M. Kazbek-Kazieva. - M .: Onyx Publishing House, 2012. -160s.Russian language. Tests for students enrolled in the SPO program. / Solovieva N.Yu. - M .: RGUP, 2017.Competitive work. "A set of tests in morphology" - Grosheva L.N. / "Salsky industrial college", Rostov region.