[Information 2015.10.23]Currently, SKSATO 310BT does not correspond to the Android 6.0.We are considering the correspondence, but the correspondence until the completion is expected to take your time.Customers to install in your current, or new, we ask that you please refrain from the update to Android 6.0."SKSATO 310BT" is an application that displays the temperature measured value of our products, "waterproof wireless thermometer SK-310BT".â main functionâą To display the temperature measurements of the waterproof wireless thermometer SK-310BT- Upper and lower limit alarm functionApp change of wallpaperâ Compatible ProductsWaterproof wireless thermometer SK-310BTDisclaimerSato meter Mfg. Co., Ltd. we have confirm the operation performed on this product, but it does not have guaranteed to work under all circumstances.Damage caused by this product, regardless of the direct and indirect damages, we shall have no liability whatsoever to us.CopyrightCopyright on the program and related documentation "SKSATO 310BT" are the property of their Sato meter Manufacturing Corporation.â» This application may be changed without prior notice.