Veldig bra Apps :-)
Troms Reise at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Veldig bra Apps :-)
Possible to add troms ferry time in the app? Ex- Refsnes - flesnes.
Nyeste oppdatering (fra 16.des 2015) tar ikke hensyn til fastlÄst orientering (portrett) pÄ mobilen, og vil legge seg i landskapsmodus om mobilen vendes pÄ siden.
English option please. Can't be that hard to accommodate...
GPS not working in this app. Using Samsung galaxy s6 Edge.
The app is ok, good ideas, poor execution and works a bit slow. The app does not help much when the buses do everything but stay on time and on the road. A bit sad, because the app had potential, but when the buses show up near the planned time, it is just wasted.
NÄr den funker er den bra, men jeg har flere ganger opplevd at den ikke fÄr inn noen stopp i nÊrheten, selv om det er stopp i nÊrheten. Da kommer jeg meg jo ingen vei.