必勝カコもん理学・作業療法士共通(解剖・生理・運動学) at Google Play market analyse

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必勝カコもん理学・作業療法士共通(解剖・生理・運動学) at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Developer: RoundFlat
Price: $ 35.99
Current version: 100+, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 01 Jan 1970
App size: 4 Mb
4.4 ( 4304 ratings )

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> 2.2k
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~ $ 900
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理学・作業療法士国試対策用分野別問題集。過去12年分の解剖学、生理学、運動学の共通問題主要3分野の国家試験問題をもとに構成。現役の教員による解説付き。5択問題を○×問題に改変した問題も同時収録。出題順や選択肢の表示順を変更できるほか、メールやtwitterなどSNSで問題テキストを共有できる、理学療法士・作業療法士の分野別国家試験対策アプリです。第45回~第56回試験のうち、解剖学・生理学・運動学の問題をもとに構成されています。【特徴】・設問形式 5択、○×・詳細なサブジャンル分け 解剖学(7ジャンル)、生理学(10ジャンル)、運動学(5ジャンル)・5択問題および○×問題(第54回以降)には現役の教員による詳しい解説付き・出題順、選択肢の表示時のランダム化可能・気になる問題に付箋をつけることができる・未解答問題、不正解問題、正解済み問題、付箋をつけた問題のみを抽出できる・ソーシャル機能(気になる問題をメール、twitterなどで共有できる)【使い方】①ジャンルを選択します②5択問題か○×問題を選択します③出題の条件を設定します ・「すべての問題」「未回答の問題」「不正解の問題」「正解済みの問題」「付箋をつけた問題」 ・出題順、選択肢をランダム表示にするかどうか④問題を解いていきます⑤気になる問題は付箋をつけましょう⑥学習を終了すると学習結果が集計されます⑦全問正解になった分野には花マルがつきます【出題ジャンル一覧】・解剖学(骨関節・筋、神経、脈管、内臓、感覚器、体表・断層解剖、総論・組織)・生理学(神経・筋、感覚・言語、運動、自律神経、呼吸・循環、血液・免疫、嚥下・消化吸収・排泄、内分泌・栄養・代謝、体温調節・生殖、総論・老化)・運動学(四肢と体幹の運動、動作解析、姿勢・歩行、運動制御・学習、総論)A collection of field-specific questions for the National Examination for Physical and Occupational Therapists. Common questions in anatomy, physiology, and kinematics for the past 12 years Consists of national exam questions in three major fields. With commentary by active teachers.Simultaneous recording of questions that have been modified from 5-choice questions to ○ × questions. In addition to changing the order of questions and the display order of options, it is a national examination preparation application for physical therapists and occupational therapists who can share question texts on SNS such as email and twitter.Of the 45th to 56th exams, it is composed based on anatomy, physiology, and kinematics.【feature】・ Question format 5 choices, ○ ×・ Detailed sub-genre classification: Anatomy (7 genres), Physiology (10 genres), Kinematics (5 genres)・ Detailed explanations by active teachers are included in the 5-choice questions and ○ × questions (54th and later).・ Randomization is possible when the questions are displayed and the options are displayed.・ You can attach sticky notes to problems you care about・ Only unanswered questions, incorrect answers, correct questions, and sticky notes can be extracted.・ Social function (You can share the problem you are interested in by email, twitter, etc.)[How to use]① Select a genre② Select a 5-choice question or a ○ × question③ Set the conditions for questions・ "All questions" "Unanswered questions" "Incorrect questions" "Correctly answered questions" "Sticky notes"・ Whether to display the question order and options randomly④ I will solve the problem⑤ Sticky notes for problems you care about⑥ When you finish learning, the learning results will be aggregated.⑦ Hanamaru will be attached to the fields where all the questions are correct.[List of question genres]・ Anatomy (bone joint / muscle, nerve, vessel, internal organs, sensory organ, body surface / tomographic anatomy, general / tissue)・ Physiology (nerve / muscle, sensation / language, movement, autonomic nerve, respiration / circulation, blood / immunity, swallowing / digestion / absorption / excretion, endocrine / nutrition / metabolism, thermoregulation / reproduction, general / aging)・ Kinematics (exercise of limbs and trunk, motion analysis, posture / walking, motor control / learning, general remarks)第56回(2021年)の問題を追加しました。