很多朋友寫信給我,希望能有去廣告的付費版,目前專業版已經上架了,並提供強大的功能,特此告知。英文單字不該死背,應利用字首+字根+字尾的方法就可以一次學習相關的字彙。或通過改變詞首、詞中和詞尾某幾個字母實現多詞邏輯記憶。同時配合多種不同類型的遊戲測驗,寓教於樂可以油然而生的記憶學習,叫你忘記它也難。字根記單字:英文的單字有一個特點,即每一個基本的意義都有兩種(或兩種以上)的符號來表示,例如:一套是”明的”、一般的單字(see,hear…),另一套是”暗的”、特殊單字(vis,audi….)。一般單字是可以獨立使用符號 – 單字,特殊單字是不可以獨立使用的 – 字根,學習英語必語同時認識兩種符號,才能掌握大量的單字,以後遇見不認識的字也能猜出字的大意。三、四、五個字母單字:列出三、四、五個字母的單字,方便背訟。學好英文單字的不二法門,就是每天持續不斷地練習。用成就感背單字,從短單字開始背起,消除學習壓力,啟發學習興趣,長單字也沒問題。建議先學會基礎單字,從三、四、五個字母的單字開始,再透過邏輯記單字拓展更多的辭彙。如此一來你的英文不進步也難。 邏輯記單字:邏輯記單字是以詞為單位,通過改變詞首、詞中和詞尾某幾個字母實現多詞記憶,進而達到辭彙記憶的倍增。例如用基本單字 key鑰匙 為單位,就可以推廣到相關的邏輯字 donkey,monkey,jockey,turkey,keyboard 和 keyhole,能記住 key 就能記住相關的邏輯字,會讀 key 就會讀相關的邏輯字。諧音記單字:諧音記單字就是把英語單字的發音,轉化為發音類似的中文字詞,以強化中文跟英語單字之間的連接關係。基測單字:列出基測英文參考單字,常用約2000字含教育部所公佈的國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要參考字彙表,及加上縮寫形(如: arent = are not)。並進行詞彙分級,共分三級,基本、常用、及挑戰級詞彙。 學測、指考單字:列出高中英文參考單字,並進行詞彙分級,共分六級,每級約有一千多個詞彙。這些都是高中常用單字整理,並根據教育部英文課程標準七千個高中英文詞彙所編輯之指考單字。第一級是最常用的,相當於國中基測必備一千多個單字。六級詞彙加起來就是學測七千單字。大考就是在比單字量,只要你"認得"的單字量夠多就夠應付選擇題了,注意喔!是認得,不是完整拼出來。準備方向,建議先記住單字的長相就可,從第一級到第六級都讀過三遍以上,多利用程式內的測試功能快速認單字,及程式內的讀書計畫功能強迫自己學習單字,這樣你記單字的速度會加快很多。第一級與第二級是國中基本單字,第三級與第四級是學測主力單字,如果你背完前四級的單字後還有空的話,可以考慮往六級單字背誦。不要期待單字背一次就記起來,要拿高分就要讀過十遍以上。單字量夠多後,就可以開始做模擬試題。GEPT 單字:列出GEPT全民英檢參考單字,並進行詞彙分級,共分初、中、中高級,每級約有二千多個詞彙。這些都是GEPT必背單字整理,共八千多個單字。 TOEIC 多益單字:列出TOEIC參考單字,並參考官方資訊進行詞彙分類,共約有一千多個常用的基本詞彙。 IELTS 單字:雅思為國外大學優先認可的英語程度標準,雅思的IELTS是The International English Language Testing System。雅思的主辦單位是IDP、劍橋和英國文化協會共同舉辦。每個月平均辦理2至3場正式考。題型難在曲線圖表及內容包羅萬象,很多人會因為沒涉獵到那方面的知識,或可能一個單字聽不懂又猜錯,因此失利。所以要多記單字就對了。建議本軟體英檢單字多看後,再加強IELTS單字內的詞彙精選約1200個。 讀書計畫:客制化定時定量的學習單字,以每天,每週或每月為週期,自我規劃學習單字難易度及數量。並透過分析學習進度功能查看學習狀況。請參考讀書計畫篇http://greenhillapp.blogspot.tw/2014/09/learningplan.html我的分類:提供自訂分類功能,可以依考試的重點分級整理,或依類別科目型態等,整理自已想學的單字,也可以自行增加目前字典裡沒有的生字。提供編輯模式,匯入檔案模式,及匯入收藏夾資料等,方便快速整理我的分類。其中匯入檔案的檔案格式為一般的記事本(UTF-8)文件,以檔名.txt的檔案名稱做為分類標題,而檔案內容為一行一個單字。請參考基礎匯入篇http://greenhillapp.blogspot.tw/2014/09/app-tsmc-250.html真人語音:真人語音是由語言專家朗讀後的錄音檔,存成mp3格式的發音規範標準,安裝後請參考App內文件說明。離線字典字庫:App針對字典提供了多種使用方式。有網路連線字典、內部基本字典,及離線字典的功能。可以整合免費的StarDict字典字庫。請參考離線字典http://greenhillapp.blogspot.tw/2014/09/app-star-dict.html本軟體包含:英文字典、字首+字根+字尾、三個字母的單字、四個字母的單字、五個字母的單字、邏輯記單字、諧音記單字、基測單字、指考單字、GEPT、TOEIC 多益、IELTS 雅思、測試考題、文件說明、例字。主要功能:1.英文拼單字測驗遊戲,翻牌學習遊戲,增加記憶2.雲端匯入,自選單字本的分類3.新增網路人聲中文英文語音(付費版有真人發音)4.連續單字播放器內新增網路中文解釋發音5.學習級職,每日學習及完成計畫任務,增加挑戰力6.字典字庫增加到20000字以上7.單字頁面只顯示中或英時,新增翻開及遮避中英文按鈕,方便背誦.8.字典頁面 wildcard key9.讀書計畫,分析學習狀態,考試時間限制Many friends wrote to me, hoping to have a paid version without ads. The professional version is currently on the shelves and provides powerful functions. I hereby inform you. English vocabulary should not be memorized, you should use the method of prefix + radical + suffix to learn related vocabulary at once. Or realize multi-word logical memory by changing a few letters at the beginning, middle and end of the word. At the same time, with a variety of different types of game tests, entertaining and learning can spontaneously remember and learn, and it is also difficult for you to forget it.Note the word root:English vocabulary has a characteristic, that is, each basic meaning has two (or more than two) symbols to express, for example: one set is "clear", common vocabulary (see, hear...), and the other The set is "dark", special words (vis, audi...). General words can be used independently of symbols-single words, special words cannot be used independently-roots, learn English must recognize two symbols at the same time, in order to master a large number of words, you can guess the word when you encounter unknown words in the future main idea.Three, four, and five-letter words:List three, four, or five-letter words to facilitate reciting the lawsuit. The only way to learn English words well is to practice continuously every day. Recite vocabulary with a sense of accomplishment, start with short vocabulary, eliminate learning pressure and inspire interest in learning, long vocabulary is no problem. It is recommended to learn basic vocabulary first, starting with three-, four- or five-letter vocabulary, and then use logic to memorize vocabulary to expand more vocabulary. As a result, it will be difficult for your English not to improve.Logically remember words:Logical memorization of vocabulary is based on the unit of words. By changing a few letters at the beginning, middle and end of the word, multi-word memory can be realized, and then the vocabulary memory can be doubled. For example, using the basic single-character key as a unit, it can be extended to related logical words donkey, monkey, jockey, turkey, keyboard and keyhole. If you can remember the key, you can remember the relevant logical words. If you can read the key, you can read the relevant Logical word.Homophonic notes:Homophony is to convert the pronunciation of English words into Chinese words with similar pronunciations to strengthen the connection between Chinese and English words.Basic test words:List the basic test English reference words, commonly used about 2,000 words, including the reference vocabulary table of the nine-year national primary and secondary school syllabus published by the Ministry of Education, plus abbreviations (such as: arent = are not). And carry out vocabulary classification, divided into three levels, basic, commonly used, and challenge level vocabulary.Study test, finger test vocabulary:List high school English reference words, and carry out vocabulary classification, divided into six levels, each level has more than 1,000 vocabulary. These are all commonly used vocabularies in senior high schools, and are compiled according to the 7,000 high school English vocabularies of the Ministry of Educations English curriculum standards. The first level is the most commonly used. The six levels of vocabulary add up to learn and test 7,000 words. The big test is to compare the number of words, as long as the number of words you "recognize" is enough to deal with multiple choice questions, pay attention! It is recognized, not spelled out completely. For preparation direction, it is recommended to remember the appearance of the words first, read more than three times from the first to the sixth level, use the test function in the program to quickly recognize the words, and the reading plan function in the program to force yourself to learn Words, so your speed of memorizing words will be much faster. The first and second levels are the basic vocabulary for junior high school, and the third and fourth levels are the main vocabulary for learning and testing. If you still have time after memorizing the vocabulary of the first four levels, you can consider recitation to the sixth level vocabulary. Dont expect to memorize the vocabulary once. To get a high score, you have to read it more than ten times. After enough vocabulary is enough, you can start to do mock test questions.GEPT word:List the reference words of the GEPT National English Test, and carry out the vocabulary classification. There are a total of elementary, intermediate, intermediate and advanced levels. Each level has more than 2,000 vocabulary. These are all GEPT must memorize vocabulary, a total of more than 8,000 vocabulary.TOEIC words:List the TOEIC reference words, and refer to the official information for vocabulary classification, there are about a thousand common basic vocabulary.IELTS words:IELTS is the preferred English proficiency standard recognized by foreign universities, and the IELTS of IELTS is The International English Language Testing System. IELTS is organized by IDP, Cambridge and the British Council. An average of 2 to 3 formal exams are handled every month. The difficulty of the question type is that the curve chart and the content are all-encompassing. Many people will lose because they have not covered that knowledge, or may not understand and guess a single word. So its right to memorize more words. It is recommended to read more about the English test vocabulary in this software, and then enhance the selection of about 1200 vocabulary in the IELTS vocabulary.Reading Project:Customized timed and quantitative learning vocabulary, with a daily, weekly or monthly cycle, self-planning the difficulty and quantity of learning vocabulary. And through the analysis of the learning progress function to view the learning status. Please refer to the reading planhttp://greenhillapp.blogspot.tw/2014/09/learningplan.htmlMy category:Provides a custom classification function, which can be sorted according to the key points of the exam, or sorted according to the types of subjects, etc., to sort out the words you want to learn, or you can add new words that are not in the current dictionary. Provide editing mode, import file mode, and import favorites data, etc., to facilitate and quickly organize my classification.The file format of the imported file is a general notepad (UTF-8) file, with the file name of file name .txt as the category title, and the file content is a single word per line. Please refer to Basic Importhttp://greenhillapp.blogspot.tw/2014/09/app-tsmc-250.htmlReal voice:The human voice is a recording file read aloud by a language expert and saved as a standard pronunciation standard in mp3 format. Please refer to the file description in the App after installation.Offline dictionary font library:App provides a variety of ways to use the dictionary. There are functions of internet connection dictionary, internal basic dictionary, and offline dictionary. Can integrate the free StarDict dictionary font library. Please refer to offline dictionaryhttp://greenhillapp.blogspot.tw/2014/09/app-star-dict.htmlThis software contains:English dictionary, initials + roots + suffixes, three-letter words, four-letter words, five-letter words, logical note words, homophonic note words, basic test words, finger test words, GEPT, TOEIC and more Benefits, IELTS, test questions, document descriptions, example words.Main function:1. English spelling vocabulary test game, flop learning game, increase memory2. Cloud import, classification of self-selected fonts3. Added online vocal Chinese and English voice (the paid version has real voice)4. Added online Chinese interpretation pronunciation in the continuous word player5. Learning level position, daily study and completion of planned tasks, increase the challenge6. The dictionary font library is increased to more than 20,000 words7. When the single word page only displays Chinese or English, add a button to open and hide the Chinese and English, which is convenient for reciting.8. Dictionary page wildcard key9. Reading plan, analysis of study status, test time limitBug fix for Android12