Feature rich and blazing fast GPS Vehicle Tracking app for fleet owners and logistics operators.Comprehensive unlimited* Self activated trial with 20+ real live vehiclesMulti vehicle live GPS tracking on one screenEasy search and filter to help manage large size fleetZoomed out views to show all assets togetherIntensive focused view with animated icons and recent movement pathOne tap access to last 24 hours action and live vehicle detailsCustomization vehicle icons for all types of vehicles with 100+ options Vehicle Safety & Security Features Engine Locking Engine On-Off alerts Location Entry-Exit alerts Tracking Device Disconnection alerts Customization Over-speed Alerts Simple list view of all vehicles with search and filterComprehensive detailed information on vehicles current status Movement Status, Odometer and device data time Detailed location address and list of nearby vehicles Latest Events with detailed map view of event location and detailed address Review vehicle movement history with animated track replayList view of all journey segments, stops and events along the track with relevant details 15+ types of Data ReportsShare Data reports with third party directly from within the app Easy to use Google navigation From your location, any of your vehicles location, place marker or zone To any of your vehicles location, place marker or zone Built using the latest Google Flutter frameworkCutting edge performance with elegant material designSuper smooth user experience backed by high performance cloud serversCompatible with all standard GPS Tracking DevicesFully compatible with all AIS140 compliant devicesProtocol Integration services are available at costCustomization of events, reports and many other features are available at cost 24x7 Emergency support is available in case of theft or any other vehicle security issueStandard working hours support for any usage related issuesLive Contact Us page in app to show the support numbers available at any timeTracking device support and field repairs are available at cost *Engine Locking and Odometer Updating disabled in trial account