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Roadly dashcam & speed camera at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
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It's ok but after about 2 days of using it it would be and open the app every 10 seconds even when the phone was locked I had to wipe my phone to get rid of it.
Ne prepoznaje saobracajne znakove, solidna aplikacija ali moze biti i puno bolja...
The app is mostly great. I would have rates it higher but I sent a support inquiry over a month ago and nobody has ever replied. So based on product support I dropped my rating. I would love if this app has SD card support. It will not allow me to navigate file saving to the SD card.
The app itself and the idea behind it is great considering all the options you get and the fact that has road signs recognition and gps data recorded on the video file itself is a major plus. But there is a huge flaw in this app, the gps data like speed and coordinates do not work properly , making this app pretty useless for me. As I already have dashcams in my cars but the only thing they don't do is record gps data. It simply does not update accurately during use creating false readings. Fix it and I will update my review and rating. Until then this is going to be it.
This app supports second camera. Good news for LG G5/6 and LG V10/20. Default auto turn on feature is stupid! Almost burned my smartphone down after upgraded the OS before long road in the train.