CommuteTracker by RideAmigos at Google Play market analyse

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CommuteTracker by RideAmigos at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Maps & Navigation
Developer: RideAmigos
Price: 0 free
Current version: v2.5.0-b51..., last update: 2 years ago
First release : 08 Mar 2022
App size: 11 Mb
4.6 ( 4336 ratings )

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> 2.2k
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~ $ 900
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Com­mute­Track­er by Ride­Ami­gos is the easy and fun way to con­nect to com­muter pro­grams and in­cen­tives from your em­ploy­er or re­gion!Dis­cov­er: Learn about com­muter in­cen­tives, re­wards pro­grams, chal­lenges and commute options avail­able through your em­ploy­er or re­gion­al net­work.Plan: Once you have discovered a commute option, use Commute Tracker Trip Planning to map your carpool, walking, bicycle, transit, or other route.Track: Your com­mutes be­tween home and work are au­to­mat­i­cal­ly de­tect­ed or pre­dict­ed us­ing your mo­bile de­vice’s built in lo­ca­tion ser­vices and your usu­al sched­ule.Con­firm: Con­firm or man­age trips to keep your his­to­ry up-to-date. Earn: See the pos­i­tive im­pact you’re mak­ing with your com­mute. Par­tic­i­pate in chal­lenges, earn com­muter in­cen­tives, and re­deem points for re­wards and ben­e­fits like emer­gency rides home.To get start­ed, just in­stall the app. Fol­low the sim­ple steps to con­nect to the par­tic­i­pat­ing com­muter pro­gram from your em­ploy­er or re­gion and tell us about your typ­i­cal com­mute habits.Then you’ll be ready to start track­ing and con­firm­ing trips and earn­ing re­wards!With Com­mute­Track­er, all you need to do is join an avail­able net­work, tell us a lit­tle bit about your typ­i­cal com­mute and turn on your de­vice’s lo­ca­tion ser­vices. We’ll de­tect or pre­dict your trips au­to­mat­i­cal­ly! To par­tic­i­pate and earn re­wards and recog­ni­tion in com­muter pro­grams and chal­lenges, sim­ply open the app, and con­firm the trips. With each al­ter­na­tive com­mute, you’ll see sav­ings, pos­i­tive im­pact, and progress to­ward great re­wards.Note: To use this app, you’ll need a free Con­nect PIN from a par­tic­i­pat­ing com­muter pro­gram pow­ered by Ride­Ami­gos. If you are not sure how to get a Con­nect PIN, con­tact Ride­Ami­gos to find out if there is a com­muter pro­gram in your area: app­sup­port@rideami­gos.­com”- Fix back button issues for some users- Clearer context on location use

It recorded 1/2 of a commute out of 5, and the distance was off by 30% (14 instead of 21)! Not providing enough feedback (average speed would be nice) and accommodating stops for errands is a must. I'm not going to use this app.

Really excited for this app,it should be so much easier to track my commutes. That said, it seems to have an issue: my commute has about 10-15 minutes of walking between my apartment and bus stop. It seems to be hit or miss whether or not the app will catch that. I'm guessing most hits are when I'm walking faster than usual because I'm a bit late

Data base error that NEVER reloads

Starts with the introductions screen and after you press "I Agree Lets Continue" It crashed in the beginning. Reinstalled it , Now it works fine but no feature of accessing the dashboard and see if the automatic logs are actually working right.

The app appears to only track about half of my trips when I try using it as well as tracking trips I don't need tracked. Not sure what the issue is.

This app started out working as advertised and was great with how it automatically tracked my commutes and allowed me to submit them. However recently I found out that it stopped keeping track and missed almost two weeks of commutes. This was disappointing since my employer provides incentives for alternative commutes and I was out of luck there since they were not logged. I tried everything from reconnecting my account to reinstalling the app and it hasn't worked. The most recent update was supposed to fix this and it still isn't working. Yes Location services are enabled.

The app does as it suggests. It tracks your commutes to and from work but the distance estimates are way off. Out of the week that I tried it out only one commute was even close to being correct. I now just enter my commutes manually.

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