Are you looking for a Smart TV & AC remote that will connect Smart TV using (IR & WIFI) & AC using (IR) easily with one tap? You can use it as remote control for Smart TV (IR & WIFI) remote and AC (IR) remote control for tv & ac. Control your IR TV & IC device from your phone using ir blaster. For IR TVs, your phone must have a built-in Infrared (IR) feature for the app to work as a remote control. Our smart remote control can connects to your TV through WIFI technology. Both the Smart TV and Android device must be connected to the same network.Main Featuresβ Smart TV (Wi-Fi) Remoteβ Infrared (IR) TV Remote β Infrared (IR) AC Remote β― Smart TV (Wi-Fi) Remote 1. Android TV Remote 2. Roku Remote 3. WebOS TV Remote 4. Samsung TV Remote *Android TV Remote β Application allows you to control your Android Smart TV instead of using a physical remote. Both the Smart TV and Android device must be connected to the same network. It supports latest updates of Android TV. No setup is required. Automatically scans your network to find your TV. β Features: >> Power Control. >> Touchpad, Numbers & Navigation Control >> Mute / Volume Control. >> Channel Up/Down >> Home, Menu, Back, Exit etc., >> Play, Pause, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind etc., *Roku Remote β Application allows you to control your Roku Device instead of using a physical remote. Both the Roku and Android device must be connected to the same network. No setup is required. Automatically scans your network to find your TV. β Features: >> Show All Installed Apps List >> Touchpad, Numbers & Navigation Control >> Mute / Volume Control. >> Channel Up/Down >> Home, Menu, Back, Exit etc., >> Play, Pause, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind etc., >> Keypad to enter text; *Samsung TV Remote β Application allows you to control your Samsung Device instead of using a physical remote. Both the Samsung TV and Android device must be connected to the same network. We do not guarantee that this Samsung remote supports all TVs. β Features: >> Power Control. >> Touchpad, Numbers & Navigation Control >> Mute/Volume Control. >> Channel Up/Down >> Home, Back, Exit, Smart, Record etc., >> Play, Pause, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind etc., *WebOS TV Remote β Application allows you to control your WebOS Device instead of using a physical remote. Both the WebOS TV and Android device must be connected to the same network. β Features: >> Show All Installed Apps List >> Power Control. >> Mute / Volume, Touchpad, Numbers & Navigation Control >> Channel Up/Down, Home, Menu, Back, Exit etc., >> Play, Pause, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind etc., >> Keypad to enter text; β― Infrared (IR) TV Remote β Control your IR tv device from your phone using IR Blaster. Support more than 125+ TV Brands Remotes. For IR TV, your phone must have a built-in Infrared (IR) feature for the app to work as a remote control. *Infrared (IR) TV Features >> Power ON/OFF. >> Mute / Volume, Numbers Control. >> Channel lists/Up/Down. >> Menu, Index, AV/TV >> OK, Up/Down/Right/Left Navigation Control β― Infrared (IR) AC Remote β Control your IR ac device from your phone using IR Blaster. Support more than 70+ AC Brands Remotes. For IR AC, your phone must have a built-in Infrared (IR) feature for the app to work as a remote control. *Infrared (IR) TV Features >> Power ON/OFF >> Fan Speed Plus/Minus >> Mode Cool/Heat >> Temperature Plus/Minus >> Different Modes Please Send us your valuable feedback for any queries, suggestionsFor more information please read our PRIVACY POLICY at:*DISCLAIMER - This app is not an affiliated with Any Brand.