"रजिस्टर २ बिहार" is a document in which all the information about the land of Bihar state is recorded.Follwing is the information that users can find in Register 2.* Name of the account holder* Plot number* Account number* Type of land* Piece of land* Area of land etc.Citizens of Bihar can get it off-line in zonal office of their tehsil but now it can be seen online also.Through this app "रजिस्टर २ बिहार" , users can get register 2 document of bihar state.Users can also see all information related to land of Bihar in Register 2.Disclaimer :-* We only provide information which is available in the following government public domain.https://parimarjan.bihar.gov.in/biharBhumireport/ViewJamabandihttps://land.bihar.gov.in/Ror/RoR.aspxhttps://parimarjan.bihar.gov.in/biharBhumireport/MutationStatusNew* We are not any official partner of the Government and we are not linked with the government in any way. We just show their website in our application as webview format.* This app is not official app for any government, nor this app is related to any government department.* This app is not associated or affiliated, directly or indirectly to government body, entity, services or person.