India’s no.1 online bus ticket booking app offers a convenient & simple process for booking bus tickets with private bus operators & state RTCs (GSRTC, APSRTC, TSRTC, MSRTC, & more) at a low price. redRail by redBus is now the Authorised IRCTC Partner railway app for booking train tickets, offering a simple & superfast railway ticket booking process at 0 service fee. Also introducing rYde by redBus to book Cabs, Tempo Travellers, Mini Bus & Buses from a wide range of verified vehicles with the best drivers.All you have to do is enter your source & destination locations and your preferred date of journey. Choose from an array of bus operators available on the route. Use any of the filters like bus types, boarding point/dropping point locations, prices, ratings & reviews etc., to help you find your best option for travel. Select your seat, complete your payment, & that’s it! You have now successfully booked your bus ticket online with redBus bus ticket booking app. Also, avail discounts & cashback offers that are available on the app!To make the booking process a lot more convenient, create an account to save your personal info & trip details. The next time you want to make an online bus ticket booking or IRCTC train ticket booking, you do not have to give your info again.⭐ Trusted by 36Mn+ happy customers globally⭐ Network of 3500+ bus operators and still growing⭐ 220Mn+ trips have been bookedBenefits of booking bus tickets through redBus⛑️Safety+ is an initiative by redBus to keep passengers safe by ensuring that bus operators and passengers follow strict guidelines set by the government⭐ Offering Sleeper, Seater, Semi-Sleeper, AC, Non-AC, Luxury, & Volvo Buses💳 Multiple payment options: Credit/Debit Cards, Google Pay, PhonePe, UPI & moreFlexiTicket: Change your travel date for FREE up to 8 hours before departure. Get min. 50% refund if you cancel at least 12 hours before departurePrimo - Specially Curated by redBusPrimo offers you highly-rated buses with best-in-class bus travel & assurance of the best service - punctuality, safety or comfort at zero extra costs.RTC Buses on redBusRTC bus tickets can now be booked on the redBus app! Select any State RTC among:✔️ Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC)✔️ Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC)✔️ Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC)✔️ Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC)✔️ Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC)✔️ Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC)...& moreredRail by redBus - IRCTC Authorised Partner App For Train Ticket BookingYou can now book IRCTC Train Tickets & enjoy a simple & superfast train booking processNew Launch Offer: Zero Service Fee + Zero PG Charges on booking IRCTC train ticketsredRail offers dedicated customer support for all your railway ticket booking queries & instant refunds on rail ticket cancellations on UPI payment mode.How does IRCTC train ticket booking work?1. Click on redRail & enter journey details2. Select Train & Class3. Enter IRCTC user id & passenger details4. Select payment method & make payment5. Enter your IRCTC passwordCancelling an online IRCTC train ticket through redRail can be done as easily as booking an IRCTC train ticket. View the details of your IRCTC train tickets on the app under My Bookings, you can see an option to cancel the train ticket. Select the passengers to cancel & proceed.You can also check PNR status & get live train running status.rYde by redBusrYde offers a wide range of verified vehicles from 4 to 60 seaters.You can book cabs, buses for tourism, picnics, field trips, excursions, corporate events, meetings, weddings etc., and get Background Verified Professional Drivers, All-Inclusive Pricing - GST, State Tolls, Taxes, Permits.Ryde- Introducing Ryde, a new offering from redBus to book Cabs, Tempo Travellers, Mini Buses and Airport transfer service. - Based on the requirement one can book vehicles for outstation trips, hourly rentals and airport transfers. redRail- Now book train tickets on the redBus App. Introducing redRail by redBus, an IRCTC Authorised Partner for train ticketing. - Experience fast booking, dedicated customer support, instant refunds & more when you book train tickets through redRail.