Супер. Наконец-то смогу слушать картину без браузера.
Radio Kartina at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Супер. Наконец-то смогу слушать картину без браузера.
I would expect a radio app to show track name on a car multimedia system when playing with bluetooth
Problem with this radio is rather major discrepancy between what is streamed and what is showing on display. As the result, as you add a song to your Favorites by pressing star on display, in many cases you can't because of this. Also they didn't tell you that favs are actually downloaded to your phone what adds up to fast memory use. Beware of that. Mb add fast.
Не работает на Samsung Galaxy S6
Great 👍 really good
Звук как из колодца, прерывания, одним словом - недоработка.
Почему не загружаются фото исполнителей ?