This application, developed by the National Directorate of Hazardous Substances and Waste (DNSyRP) that works within the framework of the Undersecretariat for Control and Recomposition, with funding from the UNDP Project ARG 17/010, provides information about household and garden line products, and chemicals in general.It uses the ANMAT and SENASA databases, and the National List of Existing, Restricted and Prohibited Substances developed by the DNSyRP as sources of information.The user will be able to execute the search according to the following two criteria: “product” or “substance”. The first uses as keywords the registration number, brand, company or trade name of the product. Instead, searching for “substances” can be done by entering the name of the substance or its CAS number.The application provides information of interest on the products in question such as: toxicological category, product name, company that markets it, presentation and registration expiration date.In the case of substances, the information displayed includes the name of the substance, CAS, common uses, updated status and associated legislation.In addition, it provides the possibility of making direct calls to the National Poison Center in cases of emergencies caused by chemical substances.