Stories of the Prophets application designed for easy and tidy amazing way to read its contents and is following the stories of the prophets whose names:Adam peace be upon him, Noah, Hood peace be upon him, in favor of peace be upon him, Abraham, Lot peace be upon him, peace be upon him, Ayoub peace be upon him, peace be upon him Younis, Shoaib peace be upon him, Moses, David, peace be upon him, the Solomon Peace, peace be upon him Zechariah, Jesus, Mohammed, peace be upon him.Prophets stories written by Fouad bin Abdul Aziz Al Shalhoub.We wish that the application receives admiration and satisfaction and be you stories lesson and sermon, the Almighty said: (Ive had in their stories a lesson for men of understanding what recently was maligned but to believe that his hands and detailing everything, and a guidance and mercy for those who believe (111)) [p. 427]Do not forget to mention the application assessment and suggestions for its development and May Allah reward you.