Easy Android Shopping List contains multiple shopping lists, Text to Speec function to say the buyable items (english and hungarian language), editable stores, products categories and units. In addition, other features including last known cheapest price and store suggestion from previous shopping lists, multi language interface, shopping list sending by e-mail. All these mean you're guaranteed a practical & powerful shopping & grocery list app.
Features:---------ยค Easy-to-use interface with advanced functionality ยค Pre loaded data (more then 110 products) ยค Sort and filter options ยค Shopping & Grocery list Text to Speech, even with shaking the phone/tabletยค Multilanguage (English and Hungarian) ยค Reusable multiple shopping lists ยค Displays grand total and running total on your Shopping List ยค Cheapes product price suggestion from previous shopping lists (if product cost filled in the shopping lists) ยค Easily share lists by e-mail with friends and family ยค Export / Import function. Never lose your precious data. ยค Tutorial
Advantages of the PRO version------------------------------ยค Unlimited items in the shopping listยค AdFree
"What an awesome app - Editor's Pick from AppEggs.com"