Password-protected notepad thats safe, fast, easy to use and ad-free!β Protect notes and to do lists with password, and lock the whole notepad app with the PIN.β Copy any text from your phone to your computer (app-to-browser).β Write colorful notes, memos, emails, to-do lists, and encrypt them if you want.β Custom note colors / fonts / text size / sorting order / etc.β Sync notes online and access them both through a web browser and Safe Notes app.β Taking notes with Safe Notes is as easy as it gets.β You can sync individual notes with, and access them from this app and through a web browser.β Safe Notes provides ultimate security - you dont have to trust us, or any other third-party to be completely secure (read more under FAQ onβ Unlimited text size (up to ~250 000 characters per note)β Search functionβ Simple safe password encrypted notepad!--- How it works ---β
When an individual note is locked, the password is permanently removed from your smartphone, and the note cant be decrypted without your password. You dont have to trust us, or any other third-party, since your password isnt stored anywhere.β
You can sync individual notes online to and access them with a web browser. No registration or email address is needed. A note can be stored under any URL youd like to use, e.g. yourname/sometitle, and then accessed through the app or online at first user to use a specific URL owns it (by knowing the password that was used to encrypt the note on that URL).β
The password never leaves your device, not even when notes are being synced online. Syncing notes with only stores encrypted text.β
We cant decrypt your notes even if we wanted to. That gives you the ultimate security, but it also means that a lost password can never be recovered.β
You can modify the same note on multiple devices, and when you sync notes, youll be informed if there is a possibility that a note will be overridden by changes made in the meantime.β
Deleting synced notes from your smartphone doesnt remove the online copy, so you can recover it later. But you can permanently delete notes directly through website.β
Notes can be shared with friends by giving them the password to access your note.β
This is the official app for the open source and non-profit service Read more on: Notes is a simple and secure password protected notepad for all your notes, memos, messages, emails and to-do lists.Technical details: Both Safe Notes app and website use AES algorithm for encrypting/decrypting the content, together will salts and other known good practices to achieve exceptional security; and SHA512 algorithm for hashing. On top of that, all data is only provided through SSL.Stability improvements and bug fixes.