診察券に代わり、自動チェックイン機能、次回来院予定日時や履歴、ポイント情報の閲覧と、お得なキャンペーン情報もタイムリーにお届けします。また、アプリより次回来院予約取得が行えますので“なかなか電話が繋がらない”、“急な予定変更時に施術を受けたい”“診療時間外に予約が取れたらいいな”etc・・・そんな美を追求する貴方に利用して頂きたいアプリです。Automatic check-in function, next visit date / time and history,Point information browsing and advantageous campaign information will also be delivered in a timely manner.Also, you can get the next visit reservation from the app“I dont have a good connection to the phone”, “I want to receive treatment when there is a sudden change of schedule”“I wish I could make a reservation outside the clinic hours” etc ...It is an application that you want to use for those who pursue such beauty.レイアウトの変更