AutoCheck is an application developed to provide updated information and available to everyone, regarding land transport in Peru, within this you can make external inquiries, mock exam among others.Likewise, here you can practice to take the Knowledge Exam to obtain your drivers license, this thanks to the Exam Simulator that contains 40 questions and with a time of 40 minutes according to current regulations, in this you can practice according to the License Category to the one you are going to apply for. This exam simulator has the same functionality of the exam to be taken and randomly shows its questions, in each attempt.We consider that this is not only the first step before becoming an authorized driver or with a license, so we also think of all of you and we offer you more consultation options which allow you to be informed of the authorized places to to be able to perform your technical review of your vehicle, medical exams and more.Among the features of the application are:- Simulation of the Knowledge Exam, according to the category of drivers license to which you apply.- Consultation of information with public access.If you have recommendations for improvement and/or report problems with the application, it has a support button, with which you can send your recommendations, as well as comments, thanks to the submission form that you can find by pressing the button medium.Disclaimer: This app is for general information purposes. This application is not intended to be relied on in any dispute, claim, action, proceeding, or for legal advice. To obtain descriptions of official lawyers and administrative centers, please consult the corresponding State agency or entity. It is also highly recommended that new drivers take an approved drivers education course to learn the rules and laws of the road and thus develop responsible driving habits.All external information presented in the Autocheck App is public knowledge and freely accessible without limitation, which are:Ballot of questions: Record: query: for electronic drivers license: points: Consultation (SUNARP): SOAT: for Drivers License: first drivers license: