主催な説明【DOUBLEHAIRDESIGN(ダブルヘアデザイン)】ダブルヘアデザインは町田駅すぐの場所にあるアットホームな美容室。店内は、アンティークショップをイメージした落ち着いた雰囲気です。何より、髪の健康を第一に考えたメニューが魅力!エイジングケアに最適な、オーガニック・水素・酢酸などを使用。「艶がでた」「手触りがすごくいい!」とご好評頂いております☆【特徴】-店舗基本情報-イベント/ニュース機能-アプリ限定クーポン-ランクアップスタンプ機能Sponsored description[DOUBLEHAIRDESIGN (double hair design)]Double-at-home beauty salon hair design is located in the Machida Station immediately of the location.The store is a calm atmosphere in the image of the antique shop.More than anything, the menu considering the health of the hair in the first attractive! Ideal for aging care, using, for example, organic, hydrogen and acetate.It has been well received as a "gloss came out," "feel is really good!" ☆【Characteristic】- Store basic information- Events / News feature- App limited coupon- Rank-up stamp function