Pregnancy week by week application is completely free and works offline.It is all about Pregnancy week by week and healthy tips.We have collected lots of information from various books, magazines, blogs and videos to provide you one stop reference on pregnancy.All you just need to enter your last period date or due date to see customised week by week pregnancy information.If you want to know all (1 to 42 weeks) of pregnancy information is also possible with this application. You can read and understand how pregnancy week by week is developing in mothers body.Summary section explains about your babys current size, height and weight. To understand and eye catchy we have represented in a pictorial way with colourful images.Mother section explains about mothers current condition, precautions need to take care of every week and necessary suggestions.Baby section explains about your baby growth, which body parts are formed in the current week and baby summary with pictorial representation.Pregnancy week by week application is one place to find all the pregnancy information for a pregnant women, and most user friendly app. Pregnancy Healthy Tips section indicates all the healthy tips which will be used for a pregnant women.Nutrition Tips section shows what kind of food will be more healthy for a pregnant women.We never take user personal information. So, this application is not saving / taking users personal information.Pregnancy Calendar section shows how many days left for the delivery, which trimester you are in and what week of pregnancy you are in with very good pictorial representation.Pregnancy Complications section shows you very useful information about most of the complication during pregnancy time, how to avoid complication during your healthy pregnancy.Normal Delivery Tips section provides how to get you labour pain less and easy to give normal delivery.We have below key features:✔️ Track your pregnancy week by week✔️ Description of your babys current development.✔️ Things you should pay attention to this week.✔️ Pregnancy diet. Plenty of tips on nutrition, the food you can and cannot currently eat, and drugs you can take.✔️ Tips for each week of your pregnancy, from conception to delivery, including exercises, books to read, and other things for a healthy pregnancy.✔️ Baby due date calculator by date of conception.✔️ Pregnancy countdown calculator.✔️ Calculate current week of pregnancy✔️ Trimester chart representation✔️ Get information about your baby in each week✔️ Calculate due date✔️ Get mothers body changes week by week✔️ Get information about pregnancy complications✔️ Useful information about Normal deliveryAs we are continuously improving the app and trying to give better information, please reach us to give your valuable feedback after using the app.