Perhaps implement notifications for account movements feature? Other such apps of bulgarian banks have this and its very useful. Also surely the m token and mobile app can be integrated into a single app.
m-Postbank at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Perhaps implement notifications for account movements feature? Other such apps of bulgarian banks have this and its very useful. Also surely the m token and mobile app can be integrated into a single app.
Good for basic account info. Not a lot you can do in terms of online banking. Transactions NOT visible in real time, major drawback. No notificatuons in the app.
Not working
Нещата се случват доста бавно. След последното обновяване на програмата спря изцяло да работи подменюто за плащане на комунални услуги - не се вижда нищо при влизане в него.
Super user friendly app. Using it always
Карате ме да обновя с по-стара версия!!! Аз съм на 3.2.7 и в момента не мога да вляза в приложението, защото ме пренасочва да обновя! С по-стара версия! Оправете си приложеното!
Very often the information for the credit card is not true.