ABOUT THE PUBLIC VOICEOn July 1, 1874, a decision was made in Kragujevac to launch the "Glas glas javno" newspaper under the editorship of Mr. Steve Milićević, and the first issue came out of the press on July 12, 1874. At that time it appeared that there was not one person in our country who it has been struggling with official intelligence here, and there have already been a fair number of advocates who cannot intimidate free-thinking patriotically-oriented intelligence and prevent them from presenting the causes of our decline, and critically monitor the work of our bureaucracy, which has taught the people to obey its "solutions." , "paragraphs", "orders" and "invitations" and who, in addition, paternally cared for the people and arranged them with the constitution of various "jurisdictions".So it was almost a century and a half ago. And two decades ago, in April 1998, Radisav Rodic restarted the Voice with almost the same idea - not to be afraid of "bureaucracy", the authorities in general, to expose all its nonsense and marifetluki, all for one purpose, for the benefit of the citizens. Just as no government likes to listen to what the public is saying, and especially when criticizing, so have the new "Glas" from the very beginning been planted with clips, fabricated millions of fines, sent numerous inspections, unlawful seizure of the founders property, and persecution of the police. Founded in the time of Milosevic, he fought uncompromisingly for the truth, although he was constantly confronted with threats of persecution and regime shifts. And in the "democratic" time, after October 5, the same story continued - because the government does not tolerate anyone breathing down her neck, let alone jumping on the same one. The pressures and fictitious financial extortion became ever greater, and even the tough "Voice" could not withstand this violent economic collapse and, after a decade, shut down. Honest and raised heads. It was extinguished by those who terrorized him in the Milosevic era from 1999-2000, which is the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.Now, a decade after the shutdown, the Voice of the public is coming back like Phoenix. It is returned and run by the same person for the simple reason that as such it is needed by the reading audience. The media, with honorable exceptions, are like one another like an egg, the same praise to the authorities, the same transmissions of unverified information that show that only honey and milk flow in Serbia, the same questions asked to the authorities ...The media space is simply crying out for an objective, sharp and engaged media outlet, with a brave and capable team of journalists who will do their jobs professionally - neither by grandmother or uncle, but by the justice of the only god. Enough pushing our heads in the sand, a lot of apathy and indifference, we will fight for the truth and the facts and for the good of us all. And all with your necessary assistance, dear readers.SPECIFIC REASONS FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE PUBLIC VOICEAt the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, Serbia was going through tremendous temptations: the breakup of Yugoslavia, civil wars, hundreds of thousands of refugees, severe economic sanctions, NATO aggression, the seizure of Kosovo and Metohija, the breakup of the community with Montenegro, catastrophic privatization, the departure of tens of thousands of young people out of the country ... The result is millions of impoverished and disgraced people. Satanized, found guilty of all crimes, accused of war crimes ... they are increasingly losing faith in the future and well-being, a sense of national belonging and community. Its a defeat.Not acknowledging the obvious and self-deception prevents us from stopping to stumble and stumble. Failure to acknowledge reality causes us to act unrealistically and pretend that everything is right. A large number of people choose passivity, apoliticality and slowly become accustomed to hopelessness because it seems to them that nothing is worth more.We think its worth it. We choose to fight. And we will succeed, because people say no reason - third happiness.