DARUL FIKRI Islamic Boarding School is a private Islamic educational institution pioneered by Ustad Nur Kolik, SH. I.Darul Fikri Islamic Boarding School is domiciled at Jalan Sungai Belidak, Gang H. Jelai, Sungai Belidak Village, Karya Tani Hamlet RT.04 RW.01, Sungai Kakap District, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan, on a 1 hectare land area, which is a Grant land from Mr. H. Gunardi.Received a land grant in 2012 in December, conducted the first pillar in February 2013 by K. H. Abdullah from Banten.The development from year to year both the physical development of God is always increasing both learning facilities and lodging.The darul fikri boarding school is present in the middle of the ummah to provide an answer that the cost of religious education is not expensive, therefore darul fikri prioritizes students from orphans, the poor, the poor faqir.