An application that allows you to register a payment card and verify your identity to use the card payment service. Using the application, you can deposit cash to a payment card account using the terminal of PolCard from Fiserv (Fiserv Polska S.A.) in many retail outlets throughout Poland. The service is an alternative to cash deposit machines and bank branches, thanks to which depositing cash into an account becomes more accessible and convenient without incurring fees.How its working?1. Download and install the application,2. Register the payment card in the application,3. Verify your identity with your ID card, passport or bank account (this is a legal requirement),4. Make a card deposit transaction at a point of sale with a PolCard from Fiserv terminal. The maximum amount that can be deposited is PLN 1,000. This is both a one-time deposit limit and a daily limit,5. After completing the transaction, you will receive from the seller a printed confirmation of payment to the account, and the money will appear after the bank that supports the card - this process usually takes place right after making the payment, but it depends on the bank-issuer of the card.