出会いは女性の「Poi(=いいね)」から!会員数130万人突破!18-24歳の女性が70%以上利用している(※1)出会い探しマッチングアプリ『Poiboy(ポイボーイ)』■『Poiboy(ポイボーイ)』はこんなアプリ!女性が“占い”や”診断”みたいにお題にしたがって気になる男性を気軽に「Poi(=いいね)」で選ぶ、女性主導の出会い探しマッチングアプリ!趣味や価値観の合う友達探しから、彼氏や彼女といった恋人作りの恋活・婚活といった恋愛まで、自由な出会いを楽しめます♪■出会い探しマッチングアプリ『Poiboy(ポイボーイ)』が選ばれるポイント・顔写真が豊富なので、自分好みの男性・女性との出会いを探せます・暇な時間や場所で手軽に友達作りや、恋活・婚活といった出会い探しが可能です・24時間365日監視体制。違反報告機能も完備で運営しているので安心安全です・完全匿名制なので、周りにバレずに出会い探しを始められます・Facebook、Twitterなど利用中のSNSに投稿されません・全会員に年齢確認を行っています・男性は女子とマッチング成立後、メッセージを行うまでは完全に無料のマッチングアプリです・「スコア」機能が有るので、気になった男性の他の女性からの評価がマッチング前にわかります■『Poiboy(ポイボーイ)』はこんな出会いを求めている方にオススメ!・自分好みのかっこいいイケメンと出会い、メッセージ交換や、恋愛したい女性・ナンパせずに、可愛い女子にモテたい、女性にモテている感覚を味わいたい男性・Facebook、Twitter、instagram(インスタ)を使っている方・大学生や社会人、年上、年下など、特定の年齢と出会い、メッセージ交換を楽しみたいという方・彼氏探し中の女子、彼女探し中の男性といった独身で交際希望の恋活または婚活中の方・バーでの出会いや、合コン、街コン、コンパが苦手な恋活または婚活中の女性や男性・理想の素敵な恋人と出会い、恋愛・結婚したい方・運命の出会いを信じている方・恋人探しに会員登録が無料の出会い系アプリや出会い系サイト、恋活や婚活マッチングアプリを使用したことがある方・婚活パーティーや街コン、異性紹介サービスなどを利用して出会い探しをしたことがある社会人の方・優良で安心安全な人気の恋活または婚活マッチングアプリで趣味の合う人と出会い、恋愛や結婚をしたい方・ただの出会い系のアプリやサイトではなく、本当に会える恋活または婚活マッチングアプリでのマッチングでの出会いを希望している方・真剣なお見合いだと敷居が高そうなので、まずは無料の出会い系のアプリやサイトで恋活からの交際・結婚を希望している方=====■許認済インターネット異性紹介事業届出済み受理番号:30120005020※1:Poiboy女性ユーザーデータから集計Encounter from a womans "Poi (= like)"!The number of members has exceeded 1.3 million! More than 70% of women aged 18-24 use it (* 1)Encounter search matching app "Poiboy"■ "Poiboy" is such an app!A female-led encounter search matching app that allows women to easily select men who are interested according to the theme, such as "fortune-telling" or "diagnosis", with "Poi (= like)"!You can enjoy free encounters, from searching for friends who match your hobbies and values, to romance such as lover-making romance and marriage activities such as boyfriends and girlfriends ♪■ Points where the encounter search matching app "Poiboy" is selected・ Because there are a lot of face photos, you can search for encounters with men and women of your choice.・ You can easily make friends and find encounters such as love and marriage in your spare time and place.・ 24/7 monitoring system. It is safe and secure as it is fully equipped with a violation reporting function.・ Because it is a completely anonymous system, you can start looking for encounters without getting caught around.・ It will not be posted on your SNS such as Facebook and Twitter.・ Age confirmation is performed for all members・ Men are completely free matching apps until they send a message after matching with girls.・ Since there is a "score" function, you can see the evaluation of the man you are interested in from other women before matching.■ "Poiboy" is recommended for those who are looking for such an encounter!・ A woman who wants to meet a cool handsome guy, exchange messages, and have a romance・ Men who want to be popular with cute girls and want to feel popular with women without picking up girls・ Those who use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram・ Those who want to meet a specific age, such as university students, working people, older and younger, and enjoy exchanging messages.・ Those who are single and are in love or marriage, such as girls looking for a boyfriend or men looking for a girlfriend・ Women and men who are not good at meeting at bars, joint parties, town parties, and parties・ Those who want to meet their ideal and wonderful lover, love and get married・ Those who believe in fateful encounters・ Those who have used dating apps, dating sites, romance and marriage matching apps for free membership registration to find lovers・ For working people who have searched for encounters using speed dating, town party, heterosexual introduction service, etc.・ People who want to meet people who have similar hobbies and have a romance or marriage with the popular romance or marriage matching app that is excellent, safe and secure.・ Those who want to meet by matching with a love activity or marriage activity matching app that you can really meet, not just a dating app or site・ Since the threshold seems to be high if it is a serious matchmaking, first of all, those who want to dating / marriage from love life with free dating apps and sites=====■ ApprovedInternet heterosexual introduction business notification completedReceipt number: 30120005020* 1: Aggregated from Poiboy female user data美しい花を咲かせるために水やりをするような、ちょっとした手入れを行いました(p・o・)ノ~~~i*◇+