「算数忍者〜たし算ひき算の巻〜」は、子どもがゲーム感覚で楽しみながらいつのまに足し算・引き算を学習できる仕組みが満載。勉強に興味を持てないこどもにもピッタリ。学校で学んだ足し算引き算の復習にもなります。ゲームは不安というお父さん、お母さんも安心の教育アプリです。反復で学ぼう!・早いテンポの反復学習で、確実に計算力が身につくように設計されてます。・勉強や算数が苦手な子供でもとっつきやすいよう、はじめは易しく、だんだんと難しくなる仕組みなので、ゲーム感覚で遊んでいるうちに足し算・引き算をマスター!カードを集めて楽しく学べる!・ステージクリアしたり、間違えずに復習クリアするとカードがもらえる。子どもが思わず夢中になる仕組み搭載。・レアカードゲットできるかな?目指せ1000問!・回答した問題数、正解数、間違い数が記録され、ご両親にも確認いただけます。・一定数の計算問題をプレイすると、限定カードもゲット!3人まで遊べるよ・兄弟姉妹がケンカせず、楽しく勉強できるよう、3つまで記録できます。・男の子は数丸、女の子は数葉を使って遊ぼう!デイリーボーナスカード!・毎朝8時にはボーナスカードがゲットできる!"Arithmetic Ninja-Addition and Subtraction Volume-" is full of mechanisms that allow children to learn addition and subtraction while having fun as if playing a game. Perfect for children who are not interested in studying. It is also a review of addition and subtraction learned at school. The game is an educational app that is safe for fathers and mothers who are anxious.Learn by repetition!-It is designed to surely acquire calculation power by iterative learning at a fast tempo.・ Since it is a mechanism that is easy at first and gradually becomes difficult so that even children who are not good at studying and math can easily get along, master addition and subtraction while playing like a game!Collect cards and have fun learning!・ You can get a card by clearing the stage or clearing the review without making a mistake. Equipped with a mechanism that makes children crazy.・ Can I get a rare card?Aim for 1000 questions!・ The number of questions answered, the number of correct answers, and the number of mistakes are recorded and can be confirmed by parents.・ If you play a certain number of calculation problems, you will get a limited card!You can play up to 3 people・ You can record up to 3 so that your brothers and sisters can enjoy studying without fighting.・ Lets play with Kazumaru for boys and Kazuha for girls!Daily bonus card!・ You can get a bonus card at 8 oclock every morning!- 端末内のアプリ名を「たし算引き算」から「算数忍者-たしひき-」に変更しました- 購入ボタンに保護者の方向けの設問を実装しました