I love that Cheshire cat that appears time to time. I like all of your Alice themed lwps. Happy 2014!
Fairy tale Alice at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
I love that Cheshire cat that appears time to time. I like all of your Alice themed lwps. Happy 2014!
I adore this back ground.
I have got all of Ur Alice lwp I want to see more
I've been using the free version for a very long time and finally decided it would be nice to change colors, so I paid. Now every time my ph is powered off and turned back on there is no wallpaper and I have to reset it. Not what I expect from the paid version when it never once happened using the free one. Do not waste your money!
Stick to the free version
I love this wallpaper / clock, and alternate between it and the Shadow Alice one. At first I had a problem with it forgetting my colour settings, but I solved it by deleting the free version.