This ginstr app for plumbers is great for recording the working hours for each customer, allowing you to enter service dates and receive confirmation from the customer. The app automatically creates inspection reports so there is no need for further documentation. The office administrator coordinating the tasks can quickly establish what tasks have been completed by what worker and whether the worker is free to take on other priority tasks.This app continuously replicates all user data with ginstr cloud. The data can then be analysed, processed, sorted, filtered, exported and shared with other departments, such as accounting, HR or dispatching, in ginstr web - the web based platform for use with all ginstr apps.Link to ginstr web:ⶠrecords customer informationⶠrecords all completed tasks and the areas coveredⶠrecords employee working hours and time stamp of tasks performedⶠregisters all addresses automatically from the GPS coordinates when entering data (if GPS reception is available)ⶠregisters dates and time of data entry automaticallyⶠrecords the logins of usersⶠcaptures customer signaturesBenefits:ⶠtamper-proof digital recording of all tasks completed per customer or orderⶠcustomers are able to confirm all completed tasks and the time spent by the workerⶠview all data immediately for further processingⶠnever lose a job ticket as all activities are digitally recordedⶠinclude activity details in customer invoices without delayThis app is offered to you at no cost; however, in order to use the app in conjunction with the ginstr cloud you need to purchase a ginstr subscription.