Free Offline Podcast Player FM at Google Play market analyse

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Free Offline Podcast Player FM at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Android Wear News & Magazines Music & Audio
Developer: Maple Media
Price: 0 free
Current version: 5.2.2, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 22 Mar 2022
App size: Bytes
4.0 ( 0 ratings )

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Player FM is a cross-platform podcast player that refuses to compromise! No wifi? No problem! Download your favorite podcasts with Player FM and listen offline.Enjoy an audio + video podcast experience that is elegant, powerful, and has your back! Sync play position across devices, customize themes, and manage playlists! Auto volume boost and silence skip on podcasts & your MP3 files.Find your favorite shows and discover trending podcasts focused on education, news, business, technology, sports, comedy, music, and more! Our podcast library is updated multiple times per day, ensuring we always have the latest shows and episodes. Plus, discover free audio books, documentaries, video podcasts and interviews with our human-powered catalogue and advanced episode-level search. What podcasts will you find here? Education (TED Talks), Productivity (Tim Ferriss), Chat (Oprah podcast), Comedy (#1 podcast by Adam Carolla), Audio drama and Audio Books (Night Vale), Stories (Serial) and other top podcasts. Dive into 20+ million free episodes from indie audio to major networks like NYT, NPR & MSNBC!Play podcasts when it suits you!๐Ÿ“ฑ The go-to podcast app for your phone, tablet, car, watch or desktop computer๐Ÿš— Android Auto ๐Ÿ”Š Chromecast โŒš WearOS ๐ŸŒ Webโ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… KEY FEATURES โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ’ป Seamless cloud sync Follow a podcast on one device and it will appear on another. โœ” Google login โœ” Password login โœ” Web app๐Ÿšถ Podcast offline No wifi? No worries! Commuting or relaxing, your podcast player marches on.๐Ÿ’พ SD card compatible Allows you to free up storage space on your device.๐Ÿ“ฆ Podcast groups Organize your shows into genres and moods.โฒ๏ธ Sleep timer Let the podcast player fall asleep when you do.โŒš Tech lover? Player FM integrates with many devices and platforms including Android Auto, Chromecast, WearOS, and more!โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… PREMIUM FEATURES โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…Explore a podcast paradise, designed for podcast purists!๐Ÿ˜ Ads free experience Focus on the content of your favorite podcast episodes without the distraction of ads๐Ÿ˜ Play content across several devices Sync playlists, full play history, and current episode.๐Ÿ˜Ž Playlists & bookmarks Organize with playlists and timestamped bookmarks tied to your cloud account.๐Ÿ˜‰ Compress audio Zip up your audio, while keeping it playable. A 100MB MP3 could compress to 30MB, super space saver!๐Ÿ˜‹ Turbo Fetch Get new content updates early & often. Be the first to know!๐Ÿ˜Ž Personal search Locate any episode from your subscriptions and playlists.Youll love our human-powered podcast catalogue ๐Ÿ˜. News podcasts (documentaries, liberal and conservative politics, current affairs - The Daily by NYT, BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, KCRW, NPR podcasts), education podcasts (TED Talks), comedy (Oprah, Conan, Adam Carolla - #1 podcast), sports (football, basketball, hockey, fitness podcasts), history (Dan Carlin), business (startups, trading, money podcasts - Freakonomics, Gary V), tech (Hardware, IT, Android & Google podcasts - Reply All), self-improvement (productivity, romance, learning - Tim Ferriss), story podcasts (audio drama, radio plays, true crime, mystery - Serial, Night Vale, Crimetown), culture (music, movies - Slate Gabfest), much [email protected] โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข blog.player.fmEnjoy โœŒ๏ธ โค๏ธ ๐ŸŽงIntroducing the latest & GREATEST version of Player FM. We are excited to share an entirely new look with you! We kept the same spirit so youโ€™ll still be able to find all your favorite shows.Hereโ€™s whatโ€™s new:- A complete overhaul of the UI ๐Ÿ“ฒ- Reimagined with advanced themes ๐ŸŽจ- Improvements to Android Auto support- Several improvements to legibility, features, and return of default subscription view in response to user feedbackThank you for continuing to support Player FM!

Fabulous Free Service


Please refine the selecting process of episodes.. Also please show the exact release date of each episode. Edit: I replied to you guys on mail Thank you for acknowledging my review


This app helps alot in my listening ๐ŸŽถskills . Ans I love โค

Love the app!

Great stuff love it

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