PlayDay is the communication platform for associations that are involved. For those who want to get rid of a laborious monologue with their members. For those who believe in "sharing is caring". For those who are leaders in the new world without having to suffer from red tape. For those who respect privacy. For those who want to concentrate on their core task.Tailored to your association: The structure of your association can be set up quickly and easily in PlayDay.Sharing is caring: We made getting an opt-in and keeping it simple. Because privacy is important to us all. Just like sharing. Documents, images: simply upload in the app!You even get a digital archive where you can quickly find everything - including email exchanges.Blablabla: Not too much or too little, but just the right communication. Via e-mail, chat, SMS, push messages: take your pick. With insight into who read it and therefore tailor-made memories.