You often wonder where your money has gone? You havent bought that much? Nevertheless, you have spent the whole money?Manny helps you to keep an eye on your finances. You simply create an entry for your purchases and earnings. This takes you a minimum of time. Then Manny can show you your finances as a chart. You can see how much you spent on serveral topics. In the settings you choose the time span. Manny then only shows you the finances for this time period. This is no simple housekeeping book as it illustrates your finances in charts and lets you analyse your finances simple, flexible and quickly. In addtion to that, you can mark each entry as paid with credit card. So, at the end of the month you can check your statements of account with this app. You can check whether or not your account was correctly debited.This App uses icons from The icons can be retrieved from this Version a Filter is added. Now you can filter your entries by category and by your entries that have been paid with credit card.