What is going on w this app hasn't worked since Feb.
TRANSFLO Mobile+ at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
What is going on w this app hasn't worked since Feb.
Won't let me use Google maps, says it's not enabled but it is. Any suggestions?
Good Service
Use this app for logging and for the last year have had problems with locations when changing duty staus but it knows exactly where I am for pre & post trip, Fuel tracker. Customer service is no help can't give answers while on phone and don't get back in contact with you after telling you they will. Can't believe a company this size that so many rely on to log their driving time to make money would actually charge for this inferior junk. Stuck using this company owner is locked in contract.
Forced to use this app to connect to the e-log device in my semi, it constantly locks up, logs me off of the app, and has "script errors" almost daily........ 3/14/2022 **UPDATE** app still has lots of problems keeps telling me it is ready for an update (within the app under the bell notification icon) but never will update, logs me off app at times, stalls, very slow to respond even with full service coverage.
Completely worthless App won't open on Galaxy S22 Customer service worthless. Guess i was lucky to even get a voice mail.
I've gotten a new phone, Google Pixel 6 and ever since I can't take pictures to scan my trips. What's up with that? That's a huge issue that needs addressed ASAP