Payd is the app that makes it easy to share expenses without having a common economy. The trip, the dinner or something as boring as everyday finances - we help you keep track of who owes what. ⢠Share expenses⢠Share with whoever you want⢠Share as you like SHARE EXPENDITUREWhen you or someone else buys something, you register the cost and who will share it. The app makes it easy to see new expenses being added and how much you have spent together. PLAN PURCHASESAgree on what to buy and how much it may cost before you buy it. SHARE WITH WHOM YOU WANTInvite those you want to share with and the app shows who has paid what and how much you have to pay each other to get rid of! Create several different groups to share expenses in. Keep track of everything that happens in a group with your event log. SHARE AS YOU WANTSambon, exet, the gang of friends and the parents-in-law - share what you want with who you want as you want. It is not obvious that you want to share equally. It may even be the case that someone in the group is not with and therefore should not pay anything at all. The point is that you choose how you want to share: equal, in percentage, with fixed amounts or shares. SHARE EXPENDITURE IN OTHER CURRENCYTake a note in euros. When you enter the expense, Payd converts it to Swedish kronor and you get an answer immediately what everyone owes. SIMPLIFY YOUR PAYMENTSThe best way to get rid of it is the simplest. Thats why Payd has built an algorithm that makes you pay each other as few times as possible. PAY WITH SWISHAdd your mobile number if you want to settle costs via Swish, Payd remembers which number you want to be swished at. When someone else in the group chooses to pay you, the persons Swish opens with your number filled in. Anyone who swishes simply does not have to look up your telephone number. TELL US WHAT WE CAN DO BETTERPayd is good at counting, but we still file other things. We want to be the best service for you and those you share expenses with. Thats why we need your help. Use our feedback function and tell us what we can do better or send an email to
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