Expressly for employees who already utilize Paycomâs HR and payroll technology at work, the Paycom app puts the power of our Employee Self-Service technology on your mobile device. Please note that some Employee Self-Service features must be enabled by your organizationâs Paycom administrator. If you have questions about these features, please connect with your HR/payroll department.ACCESS YOUR DATAWhenever and wherever you need it, your personal employee data is accessible here, including past and present pay stubs, benefits, tax forms, performance reviews, goals, contact information and more. With our secure fingerprint-ID login or PIN login options, your data is literally at your fingertips!EMPLOYEE-DRIVEN PAYROLLAn industry-first, Beti⢠gives you the keys to access, review, manage and approve your own paychecks before payday. It allows you full visibility into your paycheck before itâs processed, clarity on how pay changes, a visual of deductions, expenses and other allocations, a guided process for paycheck approval and confidence knowing the amount is correct.ACCURATE TIMEKEEPINGWhether you punch our web-based time clock or input your hours on our web-based timesheet, you may do so through the app. You also can submit your time for approval, check your accruals and request time off for vacation, medical appointments and other events requiring supervisor approval. DEFEAT THE RECEIPTNo more keeping track of paper receipts for your expense account! Simply snap a photo of the receipt and upload it through the app for reimbursement. You can check the status of pending expense reimbursements as well. LEARN AT YOUR PACEAny employer-assigned training courses or learning paths can be taken here. In addition, any courses applicable to your system privileges through our client training and certification program, Paycom University, are accessible.MILEAGE TRACKERConveniently track your business mileage with Paycomâs Mileage Tracker. Easily store copies of receipts for quick reimbursement, sync your existing trip information to Employee Self-Service and even set up automatic tracking to streamline your expense submission process. Missing a certain feature? Reach out to your HR department!APPROVALS FROM ANYWHEREBecause work doesnât stop when managers are away from their desks, Manager on-the-Go helps them make the most of their workday. This mobile tool allows managers and supervisors to complete essential management tasks involving their employees from anywhere, including approving hours worked, time-off requests and expenses; viewing team members schedules; and more. CONTACT USAs with our core product, we welcome, appreciate and listen to all feedback. Simply email
[email protected] update includes improvements and user interface enhancements. If you enjoy the Paycom app and our enhancements, please rate us in the Play Store.