Clinical uses: Pediatric; Dermatology; Wound care; Pre surgical documentation; Patient-Provider encounter video and audio recording; Increase patient engagement.The main features:Secure clinician loginSearch for patient’s studies according to name, MRN, department and date ranges.Mark studies as your favorite and quickly access your Favorites and Recent Studies lists.Securely view videos and images, listen to audio files and open PDF files.Retrieve patient information from departmental modality worklistScan patient barcode to retrieve demographicsCapture videos, images and audio recordings. Attach files from your device.Annotate images by adding text, line, arrows, shapes and body location stickers.Take image snapshots from videos.Tag files with structured or free text and share information with EMRAdd text and voice annotations to filesUpload session files directly to PACS, VNA and EMRContent is encrypted and cannot be accessed from device storageContent is automatically managed and removed from deviceAll content accessible from the Orpheus SystemBugs fixed