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Orozko Zabaltzen at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Price: 0 free
Current version: , last update: 6 months ago
First release : 01 Jan 1970
App size: Bytes
4.0 ( 0 ratings )

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Udala Zabaltzenek Orozkoko udalarekin harreman arinagoa eta errazagoa izatea ahalbidetzen du.Aplikazio honen bidez zure udalerriko albiste eta ekitaldien inguruko informazioa eskura izateaz gain udaleko abisuak jaso ahal izango ditzakezu.Kalezainduri esker zure herria mantentzen lagun dezakezu udalari jazoerak edo egin daitezkeen hobekuntzak helaraziz. Zure gertaeran argazkiak, deskripzioa eta map kokapena bidal ditzakezu, udalak informazio guztia jaso eta kudeatuko du.Kontu Ematearekin udalerriko korporazioak hartutako konpromisoen aurrerapauso eta eboluzioa ikusi ahal izango dituzu.Udala Zabaltzen BiscayTIK Foundation Fundazioko Gobernu Irekiko platform in part day.===================Udala Zabaltzen allows smooth and easy communication with the Orozko town hall.Through this application you can find out about news and events in your municipality as well as receiving municipal notices.Thanks to Kalezaindu, you can also contribute to the maintenance of your municipality by reporting incidents or possible improvements that you find. In your incident you can include photos, description and location on the map that the city council will receive and can solve.With Accountability you will be able to see the progress in the commitments acquired by the municipal corporation and its evolution.Udala Zabaltzen is part of the Open Government platform of the BiscayTIK Fundazioa Foundation.