one11 is a digital marketplace where you can easily find a wide variety of services, products and living space or offer them for money, time or in exchange.Time as an alternative currency----------------------------You decide for yourself whether you would like to receive money, something in return or time for your services. With the time exchange function, you can easily get hours transferred to your time account and then use them to have work done by your neighbors. Or you give away the hours of your grandmother, who can have the lawn mowed for example.With one11 - thanks to the three forms of payment money, exchange and time - everyone can participate, regardless of age, social class, state of health or financial cushion. Everyone is welcome and can offer the resources and services they have through the platform, thereby creating direct value for others. In this way, no one is excluded and everyone can actively participate in social life.Functions of the one11 app:---------------------------- Marketplace for a wide variety of housing types (shared flats, studios, apartments, houses, living space with companions or services)- Marketplace for services of all kinds- Time exchange - earn time credits for your services or send hours for the service you receiveIn-App features currently in development:- Communication function with chat, poll option, theme boards, discussion forums- Event platformWhy? Because we all want to lead a self-determined life, at any age and in any situation. Because everyone can do something that is valuable to someone else. Because we are all an important part of society. Because nobody likes to be alone. Because not everyone has the financial means to get the services they need for money. Because were all in the same boat. Because it makes sense and is sustainable. Because it is fun. Simply because :-)Examples:----------Anna is 66 years old and a retired German teacher. She offers German tutoring on the one11 app. 1 hour of tutoring with Anna costs 1 hour of time credit.Anna teaches the boy next door, Tim, once a week and gets 1 hour credit per week from Tim. This Tim is 16 years old, likes jogging and likes dogs. He offers on the one11 platform that he can walk the dogs from the neighborhood. Going for a walk for 1 hour costs 1 hour of time credit for Tim. He goes for a walk with Vrenis dog once a week for 1 hour and thus receives 1 hour time credit per week.Vreni is 42 years old, an IV pensioner and very well versed with numbers. She offers the people in her neighborhood to do their tax returns. A tax return at Vreni costs 2 hours of time credit. Anna and many other neighbors have Vreni do their taxes for 2 hours.Or you dont have time and would rather swap your old lamp for a bottle of wine? Or do you get weekly cleaning via the platform for CHF 35.-/h? All of that is also possible.Join us, connect with your neighbors, offer, search, provide or purchase whatever you need and simply pay with money, time or something in return.