OmnyTraq: Tracks body Vitals and Heart HealthPatients with Omnyk’s “Avida” Bluetooth (R) wireless device can download this application for free and use it for remote monitoring, sending Avida information to clinics, receiving real-time alerts, and other patient-centric services.“OmnyTraq” along with Omnyk’s “Avida” device is a remote patient management solution. This solution enables real-time remote monitoring of body vitals and delivery of personalized alerts based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) algorithms.OmnyTraq app can be used to automatically send “Avida information to your healthcare provider from anywhere you may be, via Cellular and /or Wi-Fi network availability. To get started, contact your doctor to request your enrollment in the “Avida” Remote Patient Management (RPM) program.To learn more, visit Policy: patient and clinical data are fictitious and for demonstration purposes only.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.Omnyk, Omnyk logo, and Avida, Together are trademarks of Omnyk inc.™ Third party brands are trademarks of their respective owners. All other brands are trademarks of Omnyk company.Omnyk Inc., San Jose, California, 95129-3111