Do you need translation? In many languages and simultaneously? Try this translator!⢠translates words, text, sentences, phrases⢠choose many languages simultaneously⢠translates all languages at once⢠translate voice⢠hear the translation⢠Share translation as Mp3⢠100+ languages⢠Copy the translation (clipboard)⢠Very easy and intuitive⢠Voice input & output⢠Speech Recognition⢠Text to speech⢠Nice graphics⢠Color themes*** it needs an internet connection*** some languages do not have speech- Copy to clipboard: long click on the textSupported languages:Afrikaans, Albanian, ArabicArmenian, Azerbaijani,BasqueBelarusian, Bengali, BosnianBulgarian,Catalan, CebuanoChinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)Croatian, Czech,DanishDutch,English, EsperantoEstonian,Filipino, FinnishFrench,Galician, GeorgianGerman, Greek, GujaratiHaitian Creole,HebrewHindi, Hmong, HungarianIcelandic, Indonesian, IrishItalian,Japanese, JavaneseKannada, Khmer, KoreanLao, Latin, LatvianLithuanian,Macedonian, MalayMaltese, Marathi,NorwegianPersian, Polish, PortugueseRomanian, Russian,SerbianSlovak, Slovenian, SpanishSwahili, Swedish,TamilTelugu, Thai, TurkishUkrainian, Urdu,VietnameseWelsh, YiddishNew Languages added :Amharic, Burmese, Chichewa, Corsican, Frisian, HausaHawaiian, Igbo, Kazakh, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, LuxembourgishMalagasy, Malayalam, Maori, Mongolian, NepaliPashto, Punjabi, Samoan, Scots Gaelic, Sesotho, ShonaSindhi, Sinhala, Somali, Sundanese, TajikUzbek, Xhosa, Yoruba, ZuluVersion 1.52==========================- Compatibility with newer android version- Translation improved (slower but more accurate)- Speech to text improvements- User interface improvements- Minor bug fixesVersion 1.50==========================- Audio output problem fixed- Compatibility with newer devices improved- Dictionary improved- User interface improvements- Minor bug fixes