The Norfolk Daily News is a daily news organization located in downtown Norfolk, Nebraska. It is one of just a handful of daily newspapers in the country owned and managed by an individual family. The Huse family, including publisher Bill Huse, has owned and managed the Norfolk Daily News since 1888. Five generations of the Huse family have run the organization. The Norfolk Daily News began as a daily newspaper May 1, 1887, and was bought by the Huse family in 1888 when its circulation was 400.William Huse, who started the first newspaper in Northeast Nebraska at Ponca in 1871, purchased the Norfolk Daily News with his son, W.N. Huse. The latter moved to Norfolk to manage the paper. W.N. was publisher until his death in 1913. He was succeeded by his son, Gene, who was publisher until 1956 and president of Huse Publishing Company until his death in 1961. Gene founded radio station WJAG in Norfolk, which received its license in 1922. Jerry Huse, Genes son, became publisher of the Daily News in 1956 and president in 1961. He built WJAGs present home in 1956 and the present plant of the Daily News in 1963. He started two more radio stations in Norfolk, KEXL in 1971 and KQKX in 2009.Bill Huse, Jerrys son, became publisher of the Daily News in 2013 & president in 2018.