Why this app?We believe that symbolic math or graphing calculator should be as intuitive as handwriting, without overhead in user input and complex syntax. For example, normally we write "sin2x" on paper in math class, but input "sin(2*x)" in a calculator. Wouldnt it be wonderful to just input "sin2x"?Newton Graphing Calculator graph 2D curve and 3D surface by math input like handwriting. With our innovative parser, math syntax is as simple as when you write it on your note. 2D or 3D graph is recognized automatically by number of unknown variables, through our powerful symbolic math engine. After graphing, you can find function roots, track coordinates, pan or zoom 2D graph; draw contour, zoom or rotate 3D graph to view from all angles seamlessly by hand gesture, to study mathematical property of the function. Newton Graphing Calculator comes with transparent graph, optimized keyboard, axis label, function legend, color picker and formatted math formula ready for productive use. Resulting graph and math formula can be sent by email to put into homework, shared with friend on Facebook, Line or Google+. Newton Graphing Calculator features numerical calculator and equation solver with step by step solution, and live preview while inputting. Favorite input can be stored in your math collection to save input time.- Require media access permission, to store captured graph for sharing- Online help http://www.wizerapp.net/newton_graphing_calculator_help.html 2D GRAPH CALCULATORā¢ Explicit function e.g. y=sin2x+2cosxā¢ Implicit function e.g. sin(x2+y)=exp(-xy)ā¢ Parametric function e.g. x=sin2t/(1+t2) Ā y=cos2t/(1+t2)ā¢ Polar function e.g. r=1+2cosĪøā¢ Multiple functions e.g. f=3sint/(1+t2) Ā g=2cost/(1+t2)ā¢ Multiple parametric functionsā¢ Support discontinuity e.g. y=tanxā¢ Variable name can be any symbol including Greek symbol3D GRAPH CALCULATOR (Pro version only)ā¢ Explicit function e.g. z=2sinx/(1+y2)ā¢ Implicit function e.g. x2+y2+z2=1ā¢ Contour curve of explicit function e.g. z=2sinx/(1+y2)ā¢ Parametric function e.g. x=sinv cosu Ā y=sinv sinu Ā z=cosvā¢ Multiple functions e.g. f=cosu sinv Ā g=ucosvā¢ Multiple parametric functionsā¢ 3D curve x(t) Ā y(t) Ā z(t)ā¢ Variable name can be any symbol including Greek symbolSCIENTIFIC CALCULATORā¢ Integral e.g. y=sin2x -> ā«sin2xdx = -cos2x/2ā¢ Derivative e.g. y=sin2x -> y = 2cos2xā¢ Solve linear equation e.g. 6x+4=8ā¢ Algebra, complex number, polynomial, rational function, 2D and 3D space, Newton-Raphson methodā¢ Scientific : pow sqrt root3 root4 abs exp log lnā¢ Trigonometric : sin cos tan cot asin acos atan acotā¢ Hyperbolic : sinh cosh tanh cothā¢ Complex number e.g. (2i+1)(3i-1) ln(3i+4)ā¢ Numeric math e.g. 1/2 + 1/3KNOWLEDGEā¢ Display stock price e.g. "google stock", "ibm apple stock"ā¢ Display economic data e.g. "nordic gdp", "asia population", "europe unemployment", "asia cpi", "china japan gdp per capita"ā¢ Play sudoku puzzle: Try "sudoku cake", "sudoku", "sudoku hard"ā¢ Fix stock price chart: try "googl stock"ā¢ Radar grid for polar plotā¢ Play sudoku puzzle: Try "sudoku cake", "sudoku", "sudoku hard", "sudoku crazy"ā¢ Display data from world bank: Try "nordic gdp", "asia population", "europe unemployment", "asia cpi", "china japan gdp per capita"ā¢ Question answer interfaceā¢ Full screen graph editorā¢ Solve linear equation e.g. 6x+4=8ā¢ Integral e.g. y=sin2x -> ā«sin2xdx = -cos2x/2ā¢ Derivative e.g. y=sin2x -> y = 2cos2x
Latest version Graphing Calculator Pro + Symbolic Math: 500+
ā¢ Fix stock price chart: try "googl stock"ā¢ Radar grid for polar plotā¢ Play sudoku puzzle: Try "sudoku cake", "sudoku", "sudoku hard", "sudoku crazy"ā¢ Display data from world bank: Try "nordic gdp", "asia population", "europe unemployment", "asia cpi", "china japan gdp per capita"ā¢ Question answer interfaceā¢ Full screen graph editorā¢ Solve linear equation e.g. 6x+4=8ā¢ Integral e.g. y=sin2x -> ā«sin2xdx = -cos2x/2ā¢ Derivative e.g. y=sin2x -> y = 2cos2x
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